Part 25

92 13 4

Anna P.O.V

I was sitting in algebra as I barley listened to the teacher, I'm a straight A in this class so I don't care if I zone out of a lesson. It been 2 weeks since everyone's been in school, well since Nikki's been back since she was the last to come.

But I still can't shake the feeling, I mean just a couple of weeks ago I wasn't sure if 2 of my friends would live, and now I'm sitting in algebra as if nothing happened. But I can't get rid of the feeling that what if it wasn't Ashley or Nikki who got shot and it was Dani? I don't think I could ever live with that, I mean I know Kath and Angelica are destroying themselves over it but trying to hide it but I'm not buying it.

"Anna, would you like to save us all and tell us the answer to this question please?" I heard my teacher asked me and I quickly shook my thoughts away and looked up at the board, quickly solving the equation in my head.

"X is 5 whilst y is 15." I told him and he smiled and nodded in approvement.

"Good, I wish the rest of you kids could pay attention so you can actually get a right answer for once." My teacher said and I stiffled a laugh while most of the other kids gave me an annoyed look.

The bell finally rang and I grabbed my books and got up, making my way to lunch with the girls.

I'm honestly just so sick of everything that is happening, like I never knew high school would be so difficult.

Angelica P.O.V

We were all sitting at lunch just talking and doing our own thing when Nikki just stood up out of the blue.

"You good Nik?" I asked her, thinking that it may be something with her knee.

"Yeah, I just forgot that I have to to my science lab, I'll see you guys later." She told us and slowly but surely made her way out of the cafeteria.

"Well, you guys wanna come over after school?" Ashley asked us and I looked around and everyone was nodding so I agreed too.

"I'll text Nikki to let her know." Lisa told us whilst whipping her phone out of her pocket and within seconds she already sent the text. A few moments later we heard her phone buzz and she smiled.

"Nikki's down." She told us and we all nodded and continued to talk about random things.

"So how's you arm feeling Ash?" I asked Ashley and she shrugged.

"It's okay, this stupid cast is bugging me more than anything though." She told us and we all laughed, of course instead of her complaining about getting shot shes complaining about the cast, typical Ashley.

"Well the cast will make it heal and we need you on this team so you best always be wearing or else I'll give you a reason to!" Dani said and we all started laughing our heads off.

Even though were all broken we still manage to have a good time.

Nikki POV-

I walked down to the science wing, cursing myself for forgetting my variety jacket. I walked into the room, shivering as the cold sir hit my bare arms. I snuggled closer to my crutches, the uncomfortable material of the crutches digging into my skin.

I goofily smiled as my thoughts wandered towards a certain ginger who promised he would take me on a date after I came back from Ashley's house. I turned on the lights of a classroom, noticing a figure standing next to the window.

Even though I couldn't see the face, I could tell it was a guy. He was donning a black jacket and black jeans. I tiptoed across the room, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from the guy.

The floorboard creaked as I stepped on a lose tile. The figure turned around sharply, and his features twisted into a smirk as he saw me. I pressed my lips together in a half smile and avoided his eyes.

I got my jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I walked towards the door, but stopped as I noticed the boy blocking my way out. As the light shined on his face, I recognized him. It was Mason Smith. He was known as the kid in the back who always argued with the teachers. I looked at him and said,

"Umm, would you mind moving just a tiny bit? I just need to get through."

He smiled, which made me uneasy. He replied,

"Aww, that's cute. You think I'm gonna let you go. Well, I'm not gonna let you go, so I suggest you sit down."

I looked at him dumbly. What was happening? I sat down, not wanting to make anything worse. He continued,

"Okay. So everyone knows you, you're Nikki. You and your friend Ashley got shot, now you're fucking heroes, whatever. But guess what? My sister goes to a different school. And you played her school in soccer last year, when she was a senior. And she was about to score the winning goal. But you blocked it. And guess what? There were college scouts there. And she didn't get into her top college. So she killed herself. And I want to cause you that pain. I'm not gonna kill you, because I'd rather not go to jail. But there's something I could do."

I had no time to process his words as he came over to me in a split second. He lifted his foot up and slammed it down on my knee. I fell to the ground, my vocal chords shredding to pieces as I screamed. The pain in my knee felt like white hot knives piercing every inch.

My vision began to blur and darken as I vaguely noticed Mason walk out the door. I heard a few voices in the distance, but the pain in my knee blocked out everything else.

I let the darkness overcome me, it's comforting blanket enveloping me and erasing the pain.

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