Part 24

89 11 4

Lisa P.O.V

I smiled as it was finally game time, thankfully against a easy team. We we're allowed back into school 2 days ago and today is our first game back since the incident. Ashley came back to school today and Nikki will be coming back tomorrow but nothing was stopping her from missing this game.

I laced up my cleats and walked over to Ashley and Nikki who were sitting on the bench, looking bummed out.

"Cheer up guys, you'll be out here in no time!" I told them and they both shrugged and nodded. The 2 people who love the sport more than anyone are the 2 people who are injured, soccer is their passion, I know it was Nikki's escape after she lost her mom and from what I've seen from Ash, it seems like it get's her through.

I heard the whistle blow and knew that it was game time, I jogged back over to the girls and Christina started her pep talk,

"Okay guys, this is our first game back and let's show them that were still kicking okay? Now let's win this for Ash and Nikki okay." Christina told us and we all cheered and we jogged onto the field.

I looked around the pitch and saw Angelica staring at the bench, I followed her eyes and saw that she was staring at Nikki and Ash who were talking to each other. She still think's it's her fault, she brought her eyes away from them and made eye contact with me and I nodded and gave her thumbs up in hopes to boost her confidence.

We already have broken people, I don't want anyone else becoming that..

Nikki P.O.V

I watched the game as it was in the 68th minute and we were winning 3-0 when Dani passed Angelica the ball and she took and amazing first touch but this blonde chick completely took a crack at her leg and she went down.... hard.

"WHAT THE HELL REF!" I screamed standing up but immediately regretting it because I felt my knee twist and I collapsed back onto the bench which caused Ashley to quickly turn to me.

"Jesus Nikki are you okay?!" She asked quickly and I nodded quickly even though my knee was screaming in pain.

"Yeah I'm fine, that was a disgusting play!" I told her as I watched Angelica hop back up, good she isn't hurt, I hope otherwise I may be crippled but this crippled girl has crutches and it would be a shame if that blonde chick got one in the face.

The game continued on and it finally ended at the same score of 3-0 and the girls jogged off, smiles all on their faces. I grabbed my crutches and stood up even though my knee was screaming at me to just stop but I couldn't let anyone see it.

I made my way over to the girls and congratulated them, hugging each one before making my way to Angelica.

"You alright? That was a pretty nasty fall." I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, just a scrape, how about you? You looked like you were limping more than you should." She told me and I shook my head.

"Nah I'm fine, I am just really bad with crutches." I told her, a complete lie but she bought it, I hope.

"We gonna go out to eat, you coming or do you want us to drop you off at home to rest?" She asked me, no way was I passing up eating out to eat with the girls.

"I may be crippled but no one is stopping me from eating with you girls!" I told her and she laughed, I just gotta get through tonight and then I can rest my knee, I can do this....... I hope.

Lauren POV-

I sat next to Chelsea in the back of Kath's car. She kissed me on the forehead, and I pretended to recoil,

"Chels, I like you and all but after watching us for that long in the sun, you're sweaty as hell."

She laughed, and I lit up. Her laugh was like music to my ears. Kath pulled up into her house. We had decided that it was too much hassle to bring Ash and Nikki to a resturant, so we were eating at the Cimorelli household.

Anna and Dani raced inside, eager to eat. Ashley jumped out of the car, and grabbed Katherine's bag out of the car. Kath frowned and said,

"Ash. You have to stop doing stuff like this. We don't want your arm to get hurt."

Ashley rolled her eyes and said,

"Kath, what's gotten into you? Why are you bring so controlling? I can take care of myself. I'm not five, even though you treat me like it. And besides, this is my good hand. I don't know why you're treating me like I'm stupid all of a sudden."

Katherine's usually loving face was hard. She said,

"Yeah, well sometimes it seems like I'm more worried about your well being than you are."

Ashley walked inside, stopping the conversation. I exchanged glances with Chelsea. What was wrong with Ashley and Kath? She shrugged her shoulders, her long brown hair catching more than it's fair share of golden sunlight.

We walked inside, and giggled as we saw Sean waiting inside for Nikki. He was so in love with her it was adorable. I sat down at the table, and began to chow down a slice of pizza.

Trisha POV-

I looked over as Christina asked me,

"Trisha, you okay? You're not really your happy self."

I shrugged, and turned my attention back to my pizza. How can I be fine when Ashley says she saw my SISTER. My sister says she loves me. Well if she loved me, she wouldn't have killed herself.

My thoughts were stopped when Nick leaned over and patted my back. We had decided to tell only a few people about Ashley seeing my sister, and Nick happened to be one of them.

Any other day, I would've been ecstatic to see Nick's grayish greenish eyes staring at me in concern. But I could barely think. He looked at me and whispered,

"Trisha. Don't overthink it. Everything's gonna be okay. No one's gonna hurt you on my watch." I sure hope so Nick. Because lately, things haven't been going in our favor.

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