Part 16

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Lyrical P.O.V

I smiled as Christian and I jogged through the park in the cool autumn breeze, he found out that I like to run and well asked me to go on a jog so here we are. I felt my heart beat faster and faster but I couldn't tell if it was from the running or the fact that I'm with Christian.

"Tired yet Lyrical?" Christian asked me and I just laughed at him.

"Not a chance Chris!" I told him and sped past him laughing, but of course he still managed to catch up.

We continued running for about another 15 minutes until we both collapsed on the ground breathing heavily.

"So you can keep up then huh?" Christian asked me and I nodded and we both looked up at the sky staring at the stars. Just before we were at the girls soccer game which they luckily clenched a 1-0 win and Christian asked to go for a run.

Christian suddenly got up and I looked at him confused and sat up staring at, he turned to me and lent me his hand which I gladly took and he helped me up.

"Come on I wanna show you something." He told me and took off running and I chased after him and he sneaked into a small opening in a bush which led up a tiny trail. I followed him closely behind and we got to a tiny cliff that was overlooking the park. 

I sat down and dangled my feet off it as Christian sat next to me reaching his hand for mine and slowly interlocking them, I smiled as he did it.

"I'm really glad you came with me Lyrical, your the one girl I care about probably just as much as I do for my sisters." He told me and I smiled and nodded and just rested my head on his shoulder, never wanting this night to end.

Nikki P.O.V

I smiled as me and Sean made our way to the back row of the movies and sat down in the comfy seats. As if on cue we both hit the button to recline them and moved the cup holder that was separating us out of the way to put our popcorn in between us.

I sighed as all the dumb coming attractions came on which always irritated me since they usually were really bad and Sean laughed.

"Guess you hate them too huh?" Sean asked and I nodded.

"Their the worst like I didn't pay to see no attractions I just wanna see the dam movie!" I shouted frustrated and the people in front of us shushed me and I huffed and leaned back into my seat and Sean started laughing and I just gave him a death glare.

"What your cute when your angry." He said and I felt my cheeks go red.

"Well, you played really good today Nikki, even after all the Clarissa bull you still pulled through, your honestly the strongest person I know." He told me and I felt my palms start to sweat as I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Well uh thanks, when you took me for fro-yo it really helped so I should be thanking you for that!" I told him and he laughed and then I heard a boom coming from the screen and Sean just laughed.

"You know this is gonna have a lot of explosions and stuff right?" He asked me and I nodded, Hacksaw Ridge probably would considering its a military movie.

"Yeah, I forgot and I have sensitive ears so this shall be fun!" I told him and he laughed and motioned me to sit closer to which I took no time in doing and he wrapped his arm around me allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder and I smiled as the movie began to play knowing that tonight is gonna be a great night!

Chelsea POV-

I smiled at Lauren, who was sitting on the other side of the booth. She ran her beautifully crooked fingers through her wavy hair, and I smiled. It's the little things. I forced myself to tear my eyes away from her, and looked at the menu.

My mouth watered at the pictures on the menu. I finally choose fettuccini, which in my opinion was the best pasta ever. I glanced over at Lauren, who hadn't even touched her menu. I teased,

"Lolo, you can't just look at the pictures on the front of the menu."

She stuck her tongue out and said,

"Haha. I always get the same thing- pasta."

I laughed and replied,

"You don't really like change, do you?"

Lauren laughed and nodded. Her giggles were like music to my ears. Her face grew serious all of a sudden and she said,

"Chels, I really like you. Like a lot. Like, you don't even understand. Most people use the word love casually, but I think that I'm definately not making a mistake with you. I love you."

I bit my lip, trying to to smile from ear to ear. I slid under the booth, out of sight,  and pulled Lauren down. She squeled, and stared at me. We were inches away, squished together under the booth, where no one could see us. I pulled her into a hug, feeling my breath shorten as her body was pressed against mine.

I closed my eyes and smile. Can every moment be like this?

Ashley POV-

I overturned the picnic basket, my stomach growling after not eating so long. I picked up on of Kath's quesadillas, and shoved it into my mouth. Katherine watched me from the other side of the picnic blanket and said,

"Stop being so cute. You're so small and tiny and sweet and your soul is so-"

I cut her off by tackling her off the picnic blanket, onto the sand of the beach. I mock-threatened,

"How's that for tiny, huh? See, that's the thing with tiny people. Everyone thinks we're so cute until we jump and attack them-"

I stopped myself when I noticed our position. I quickly scrambled away, not wanting to make things awkard. I began playing with the sand when I felt a grape hit my cheek. I glared at Katherine and said,


She giggled and said,

"Gosh Ash. I threw the grape at you, hoping that you'd catch it in your mouth. That's how cute couples work."

I laughed, playfully slapping her. I intently watched her as she stared at the sky, probably letting her deep, beautiful thoughts consume her. I laid my head down in her lap, staring at the sunset. I whispered, not wanting to break the mood,

"It's beautiful."

She looked down and said,

"Not as beautiful as you."

Unknown POV-

I'm coming ;)

HEYYYY guys it's BOOK. Yes, I know I copied that last Katherine part from my one-shot book ( yes, I snuck a self-promo in there on accident. I'm tacky, ik). ANYWAYS, hope you liked it. We gave you some fluff bc everyone's heart hurts from Clarissa and her attitude. See ya later.....:):):)


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