Part 7

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Anna P.O.V

We all decided to go to Panera to celebrate our big win today and I couldn't be any happier! I walked unto Panera Bread with the rest of the girls behind me and the people behind the registers recognized us immediately smiling as they motioned us over to a table.

We all walked over to the table and sat down and the lord decided to really bless me today because I was sitting right next to Dani. One of the employees walked over to our table and said,

"The usual girls?"

We all nodded in agreement and Ashley quickly told him her order( a sandwich with soup)since shes new here and they don't know her but I know she is gonna fit in just fine.

"Guys, today we played like ballers." Amy said and we all started cracking up, but not gonna lie we did play pretty good.

"Hey Laur, hows your ankle?" Lyrical asked Lauren who was sitting next to Chelsea.

"It hurt's a little but nothing a little ice can't fix" She told us and we all nodded, I'm glad shes okay, that girl had no right to do that but the way Chelsea ran out onto the field to check on Lauren was BEYOND CUTE!!!

"Oh and Chels, I love ya but please, please don't run onto the field again" Lauren told Chelsea and everyone erupted into laughter.

"They are way too cute." Dani whispered into my ear after we all stopped laughing and I nodded in agreement, I wish I never had to leave them because I would rather live with them than my family in a heartbeat.

Angelica P.O.V

"Soo whens your date with Alex?" Nikki asked me and I shrugged, we never actually agreed on a date yet, oops.

"I dunno, we sorta never made a date plan yet." I told her and she looked at me with her eyes widened.

"You've gotta be kidding me! Ugh Alex is gonna have a talk with me soon!" She said and I laughed but I saw that a certain hockey player just entered Panera and I smirked.

"Enough about my love life but hey Mr. Perfect at your 6 o'clock." I told her and she quickly turned around and I watched as they both made eye contact with each other and Nikki quickly turned away facing me and I smirked devilishly.

"Shut up." She told me and I saw that her face was beat red and I laughed and soon enough Lisa and Lyrical looked over at us confused. I quickly pointed to Sean behind them and once they saw they smiled as well.

I looked back at Sean who was coming towards us, oh snap things are gonna heat up fast.

"Hey Nikki, good game today!" Sean as he placed his hand on her back and she quickly sat up straighter and I arched my eyebrow because I didn't expect him to place his hand on her back, he better not have any funny ideas or else hes a goner!

"Oh uh, thanks Sean!" Nikki said and soon enough I saw that everyone at the table was looking this way, I mean they all know Nikki low-key loves him so they must be interested.

"Well uh keep playing great and maybe we can chill sometime?" He said and the water I was drinking nearly came out of my mouth, did he just ask her out in front of THE WHOLE TEAM?

"Oh, yeah that would be great!" She told him and he nodded and walked to grab his drink and walked back outside to chill with his friends and we all were smiling at Nikki who was blushing like CRAZY!

"Ooo now look who has a date!" I told her and she gave me a death glare.

"Shut up." She told me and everyone started laughing, god I love this team!

Christina POV:

I grinned as the usual banter of teasing and jokes went around. Nikki was not so secretly staring at Sean, Ashley and Kath were talking about deep stuff, Dani and Anna were tickling each other, Lyrical, Chelsea, Lauren, and Lisa were talking about the game, and Angelica, Amy and Trisha were discussing the next game.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar buzz of my phone and took it out. I picked up the incoming call and said,

"What's up Christian?"

He replied,

"I'll be there in five minutes to pick up the whole team, sweaty shin guards and all."

I laughed and said,

"Okay. Now you can fully understand and defend the fact that teenage girls sweat more than boys."

He replied,

"I don't know about that. You should see my friends after football practice. By the way, am I picking up Lyrical too?"

I smiled at his not so subtle crush. I replied,

"Yeah you are. She called shotgun."

I could almost see his features light up,


I replied,

"No, I get shotgun. But she'll be there, lover boy."

Christian hung up. Ashley, Kath and I cleaned up all the garbage. We waited outside, Nikki showing off her impressive moves with the soccer ball we had used. Christian pulled up into the driveway and put all our stuff in the trunk.

We got into the car, blasting X Ambassadors's Unsteady on the radio(A/N I LOVE THAT SONG). I decided to bring up the closest event of the school year,

"So what's everyone's plans for the sports ball?"

Ashley questioned,

"What's that?"

Amy responded,

"So it's basically a dance for all the fall sports players- soccer, field hockey, and cross country. It's in a few days. So basically it's all us jocks and usually people bring dates."

Ashley nodded,

"That's cool. Too bad no boys have caught my eye yet."

I smiled internally. No GUYS have caught her eyes yet. Lauren said,

"Yeah, it's always fun because there's only a few people there."

We started talking about what we would wear, and I started to relax. This team was great. What could go wrong?

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