Chapter One

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"Hey cutie pie"

Zayn was brought out of his sorrowed daze by the softest, most angelic voice. He blinked his eyes, twice, trying to regain composer, before sitting upright and looking towards the direction of the voice.

When he saw who talked to him; his jaw dropped, his stomach erupted in butterfly's, a blush flamed across his dark cheeks, and his mind instantly went blank.

The beautiful girl giggled a bit before crouching down so they were eye level. She smiled softly at Zayn and he repeated the action.

"Hi, I'm Barbie." She placed her hand gently on his shoulder and a look of worry crossed her face. Her beautiful blue eyes scanned my face as Zayn  did the same to her.

She had long, blonde, slightly waved hair that was held out or her face by a purple head band. Cerulean blue eyes stood out with her thick, long eye lashes. She had a cute button nose that was slightly wrinkled, due to confusion. Her pink and plump lips were in a small pout.

"Are you okay love? You're awfully quiet..." She trailed off still looking worried and concerned.

"S-sorry, I'm n-new to this..." Zayn stuttered, no doubt blushing even more than he was before.

"It's okay," she smiled reassuringly. "Here, let me help you up." She stood up and held out her hand. Zayn took it gratefully and Barbie steadied him by placing her other hand on his upper arm.

They stood and Zayn took the chance to look around his future home. It was quite small, yet cozy, and was very pink. He and Barbie were standing on a pink and green quilt that seemed to have just been thrown on top of an unmade bed. Next to the bed was a bedside table with nothing interested atop of it. There were dozens and dozens of toys randomly littered across the ground and what looks to be even more in a crate against the wall. A big poster was above her bed and on it was written 'Emily' in pink swirly, curvy letters. Zayn smiled, thinking about how great it must seem to live here.

 "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Barbie." She said, smiling widely at me, showing off her extremely white teeth.

"Nice to meet you Barbie. My name is Zayn, Zayn Malik." By then, Zayn was starting to get his charm back and his inner gentlemen was starting to come forth. After introducing himself, he made sure to gently take her hand, lift it slightly whilst bending down, and place a soft kiss to the back off her smooth hand.

Barbie giggled and blushed. "Wow, you sure are a charmer, aren't you?" At that, he only sent her a smile and wink. "Come with me," she said, "let me show you around and introduce you to a few people."

She took him across the quilt and towards some cushions at the head of the bed, where he could see many soft plush toys. When they got to them, Barbie cleared her throat and got the attention of those who had their back towards us. "Look everyone! A new toy!" She squealed excitedly.

"Yes Barbie, we can tell..." Chuckled a certain toy. He seemed old and wise and someone very high up in authority.

'Now is DEFINITELY the time to work your charm Zayn. These toys seem to be the type of people you don't want to go wrong by.' Zayn thought to himself whilst trying his hardest to muster a smile under the scrutinising gaze of many gruff toys.

"Nice to meet you, son. I'm Teddy. I'm sort of the President, Prime Minister, Sheriff, what have you, around here." He walked over to me with a certain glint in his eyes. "You look like a fine young man. Run along now, we have business to attend to. Have Barbie show you around."

And with that, Teddy smirked at me with a knowing look and  turned away. Barbie pulled Zayn away, unaffected by the look thrown our way by the other toys. Chills and shivers ran through him and he knew he had to do whatever it took to make it on the good side of those teddies, and to also make sure he stays there.

Barbie was busy pointing out places and people and while Zayn was physically there, listening and nodding along to whatever Barbie was saying; his mind was elsewhere - preoccupied by the looks Teddy kept giving me.

Teddy must know something...

And Zayn wants to know what...


Yay! First official chapter is finally up! Took me a while to write, only because I'm lazy and school officially starts soon... CAN'T WAIT! Note the sarcasm :/ Anyway, please:





love you all <3

Kayla xx.

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