"No, I want to stay here with you!" Sasuke says and tries to sit up more, but decided against it once he felt pain course through him from the mark.

"And I want the same thing, but you've got much greater things ahead of you. You aren't fit for this life. You can't stay." I explain. Well, there it went. My feelings were out in the open and it felt awful. I felt like a vulnerable rabbit. Sasuke seemed surprised, but looked as if he knew of my feelings all along.

"I am and I will, I want you." Sasuke says, causing my heart to ache in pain for the things I can't have. I sigh heavily and pull some blankets out of the closet and lay them on the floor before grabbing another pillow.

"I've got something to show you in the morning that will make you think otherwise. For now, your body needs rest, go to sleep." I say and go to my dresser and grab some sleepwear before turning to go to the bathroom, but Sasuke spoke again, causing me to stop mid step.

"Are you staying in here with me?" Sasuke asks as he eyes the bundle of clothes in my hands. I sigh once more and let a smirk play on my lips before turning back to him.

"This is my room, idiot." A small scoff escapes my lips as I go into the bathroom and change, then walk back out and lay on the bed I'd made out of blankets. Sasuke must have been exhausted because he was already asleep. I sigh once more and get comfortable on the blankets and close my eyes, following right behind Sasuke, but he had other plans.

Groans of pain were heard through my sleep, and there was no other that could have been doing it besides Sasuke. I yawn and sit up, rubbing my face to wake myself up a bit more. I look over to my left to see him still asleep, but he was in a cold sweat, body trembling. The mark.

My eyes widened slightly and I got up from my makeshift bed and my feet padded over to my bed containing the sick Uchiha. I pulled the blankets up on his body and adjusted the pillows, which seemed to help. After that, I placed my hand on his forehead feeling for a fever, which he had. I huffed and went to the bathroom and wet a cloth, then came back and put it on his head, but just and I was turning around and walking back, his hand shot up and gently grabbed my wrist.

"Please stay?" Sasuke asks with pleading eyes. In my mind, I couldn't tell him no. I'd already done so much to this boy, so why keep it up. I exhaled heavily and walked over to the other side of the large bed and got under the blankets myself. I was rather uncomfortable, this is the first time I'd ever slept with someone next to me, and it was a boy, and we're both only 14, but as soon as Sasuke's fingers touched mine, I was okay.

My body released its tension and I went back to sleep, unknowingly making my way closer to Sasuke, and he to me. When I woke up, I felt hot, unusually hot. I went to get up, but I was tangled in the blankets. I kicked them off quickly, but I was still hot. I sighed in irritation and opened my eyes, but only seen Raven black. Sasuke's hair. His body was close to mine and he was boiling. I rolled away from him and sat up before grabbing his shoulder and shaking him awake.

"Sasuke, get up and get your stuff. Be ready to leave after I show you what I've got to show you." I mumbled sleepily, but Sasuke didn't even move. I got up off of the bed and got his bag, then cleaned the floor before getting dressed in the bathroom. By the time I was finished, Sasuke was now sitting up, dressed, and stiff looking.

"Grab your bag, let's go. Orochimaru is waiting for me." I say as I start walking to the door. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly at my change in mood, but he listened anyway. We walked through the halls, making lefts and rights, until we reached the training room.

"Ahhh, hello darling (Y/n), dearest Sasuke. A lovely morning, isn't it?" Orochimaru chirped in his usual creepy voice. I scoffed lightly at him and continued walking in the room as Sasuke stayed behind me.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora