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It was raining heavily. Everyone was mourning for Lord third, shedding their fair share of tears, all except for me. All I could do was stand still, Naruto and Sasuke on either side of me, while I thought about power. There was something inside of me, pulling me. Orochimaru had killed the Hokage, and I yearned for that power, whatever power he had. And I wanted it bad.

Soon, everyone began to leave, and now the only people left were Naruto, Sasuke and I. Just as I was about to turn and leave myself, that same burning, stinging pain rang out through my body. All of the oxygen left my lungs as I collapsed to my bare knees, and standing only a few feet away from the three of us was Orochimaru. When Sasuke seen that I'd fallen, he turned around with a start, which triggered Naruto. They soon caught sight of Orochimaru, who smirked their way, then stared at me intensely, causing my pain to increase dramatically.

"STOP IT!" I screamed in pain as he chuckles and continued to make it worse, pushing the curse mark farther across my body. I cry out and fall face forward into the mud, unable to do anything at all.

"You bastard!" Sasuke screams, then charges forward, kunai ready. Just as Sasuke was right in front of Orochimaru, he disappeared, smoke replacing the spot where he'd been just a second before. As soon as he left, the searing pain had subsided, leaving me panting and sore on the muddy ground. The sun now came out, the clouds gone, light replacing the ominous darkness.

"Come on (Y/n), let's go get you checked out." Naruto says as he pulls me off of the ground gently. Sasuke soon came walking back to where I sat, then helped Naruto help me up, one of them under either side of my arms, supporting my weight completely. They drag me to the hospital, insisting that I get checked, but Naruto had to leave, something about training, and once the nurse was done thirty minutes later, Sasuke and I go to leave, but instead, Asuma is dragging Kakashi into the hospital. My eyes widen at Kakashi's weak state and I stealthily follow them, unaware of the Uchiha that was following closely behind me.

"So, they both came for Naruto?" Someone asks from the hospital room. I listen harder, getting as close to the door as I can without being seen.

"Yes, it was them. Itachi and (Y/s/n). I knew Itachi had joined the Akatsuki, but I didn't know Daku did." Kakashi says flatly. My world stopped. My body froze. Rage swelled inside of me as I grit my teeth and stared at the floor, continuing to listen.

"So they fled right after the fight?" Another one asks Kakashi. This piqued my interest even more, they're not far if they just fled.

"Yes, I assume they went after Naruto, but Jiraya will protect him now." Kakashi says. I ball my fists and suck in a deep breath.

"Where did Naruto and Jiraya go?!?" I shout, demanding an answer as I walk into the room. The Senseis look at me wide eyed, my demon form pushing to the surface.

"Why were you listening?" Kakshi asks as he partly glares, and partly looks worried because of the form I'm in.

"Why didn't you come and fucking get me? I'm leaving to get her." I growl, then turn around to race out of the room.

"(Y/n), no!" Kakashi yells as he tries to get out of the bed, but Gai pushed him back down, preventing him from moving. As I get to the doorway, Sasuke walks in, blocking the exit.

"Sasuke?" Kakshi says. I glare at him as he looks at me with pleading eyes. I ignore him and start walking away, then pick up my pace, full speed. I dash out of the hospital, then out of the gates, going straight forward.

"I'm going after (Y/n)!" Sasuke calls as he jumps off after me, not too far behind. I start focusing my chakra, looking for Naruto's warm, friendly chakra. As soon as I feel it not too far ahead, I push harder, going faster. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I was off again, dodging through the large crowd, searching for bright yellow hair. I didn't feel (Y/s/n)'s or Itachi's chakra, which meant they were concealing it well.

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