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~ About Four Months Later ~

Months. It had been months since I arrived at Orochimaru's hideout and became something like his underling. I'd trained relentlessly day in and day out, and when I wasn't training, I was taking on missions, killing, bringing back potential vessels, all of the dirty work that Orochimaru thought he was much too good to do himself.

I'd trained with my kekki genkai, but I haven't perfected it, since the only way I could perfect it would be to train with one of my own kind, which Orochimaru is not, nor will he ever be. I truly despised that man, but he can give me what I want. What I need.

I've also been training with my inner demon. It turns out, that I am my own demon. Mother Darkness just uses me as a vessel, to reside. I didn't mind, she gives me unimaginable strength. Orochimaru says that he's been doing a lot of research while he's out of commission, so he can help me with the demon much better than he can with the Daku.

As of right now, I was sitting in my room, which was in the same condition as it was in when I got here. Blank. I've been thinking a lot lately, especially about the time. So much time has passed, four months or so, and a lot can happen in that time period.

Sasuke seemed like a dream I was having in this hellish snake pit, or either he was a reality and the snake pit was the nightmare, who knows anymore, because I certainly don't. It seems like the only thing I know anymore is the cold, power hungry, blood thirsty ways my life has become, and I was okay with that. At the end of the day, I knew I'd be leaving. Leaving to kill my sister and accomplish my goals at whatever cost, even if that meant my good name. Which isn't really much at all considering that my name is completely tarnished by my actions. But, what I seemed to be having trouble with paying up, was Sasuke.

Like I said, I had been thinking a lot, about what Sasuke had told me those months ago when I had done everything but killed him. I honestly could safely say that he might hate me now. I basically told him the only reason I'd protected him all those times was for my benefit and my benefit only, which was a lie, but I couldn't ever let anyone know that, not yet anyway.

I just sat there, legs crossed, hands on my knees, face forward, just as blank as any other day, and I was quite enjoying it of I do say so myself, but of course, nothing good ever lasts in this place.

"Lady Daku, Lord Orochimaru wishes to see you, he said something about a short mission." The little servant girl, whose name I'd never learned, said from behind my closed door, then presumably left. I sighed heavily as I drug myself off of the far from comfortable bed, then tightened my purple rope around my waist before exiting my room, making the dreadful trip to the other side of the base.

I stopped in front of the large wooden door with the intricately carved snake head on it before mentally preparing myself to talk to him. Finally, I push the heavy door open to see said man sitting in the dark, head slightly bowed, and usual disturbing smirk on his face.

"Hello my dearest treasure. I assume the servant told you about the mission." Orochimaru says, his head now positioned toward me. Kabuto suddenly came from the shadows with a scroll and a bag in hand, as if he were trying to hurry things along.

"Yeah, what do I have to do? And this better not be too big because I just got back from killing that whole village for one kid." I say as I discretely eye Kabuto, who is now walking closer to me.

"Getting a bit lazy are we? No matter, this mission should only take a day. I want you to go into my village and look for anyone suspicious. Should you find anyone, bring them to me. You know I've always trusted your judgement." Orochimaru practically purrs as he praises me, not that I wanted or needed it. As soon as he was done speaking, Kabuto finally came up to me and shoved the bag and scroll in my face before waiting on me to leave.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to get rid of me for a while?" I ask as I glare at Kabuto ferociously before turning my glare to Orochimaru. He chuckled momentarily then sucked in a large breath before releasing it in a pleased sigh.

"That's because I am darling, I've got a surprise coming for you, but I don't know what time it'll be here, so I want you gone as soon as possible and don't come back until tomorrow morning, understand?" Orochimaru says, his wicked smirk growing in size. I roll my eyes and pull the bag up on my shoulder before turning around.

"Whatever." I say monotonously then exit the room. I didn't even have to turn around and close the door because it quickly slammed behind me. In complete honesty, I was curious to know what this gift was. Orochimaru was a lot of things, but kind, he was not, which worried me. Why would he get me a gift? And was it even a gift at all? He could try and kill me for all I know.

I quickly and quietly made my way out of the base and hopped to the sound village. As soon as I entered and my presence was known, all heads surrounding me bowed in respect, and fear. I scoffed and walked farther into the village before sitting down at one of the open restaurants, one of my favorites actually.

"Oh! Lady Daku! What a wonderful surprise!" The old woman whose name I didn't know chortled as she momentarily stopped stirring a pot of curry. She quickly made me a bowl of my regular order, then sat it down in front of me.

"Hey, old woman?" I ask after a few moments of silence, the only noise coming from the silent murmurs on the streets, and my silent chewing.

"Yes Milady?" The woman says, looking up from her large metal pot once more. There was something about that old woman that drew me to her, so kind and wise looking.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her suddenly, placing my utensils down, focusing solely on her. She looked surprised by the question momentarily, but her eyes filled with something like knowingness.

"Well, you did save me from those robbers, so I'd say I trust you." She says matter of factly. I nod my head at her and release a quick hum.

"Then tell me something, is there anyone in this village that you'd say you don't trust? Someone who looks suspicious maybe?" I ask her. She looks off in though momentarily before looking back to me.

"I don't believe so, but there is that one ninja here, I forget his name, but you can usually find him at the bar down the street, the one with the black hair and brown eyes, quite a handsome young man, but very fishy if you ask me." She says as she points her wrinkled finger to get her point across.

"Thanks old woman, I'll take care of it." I say as I put some money on the counter and start walking off.

"What are you going to do dear?" She asks as she walks up to the place I was sitting and takes my bowl. I stop, but keep my back turned to her, heading to the bar down the street.

"Kill him. It's a mission." I reply shortly, monotonously. But just as I said that, my ears felt hot. It felt as if someone was talking about me, and it felt like something bad was going to happen.

"O-oh. Alright then. Be careful dear." The old woman stutters. I nod her way, then continue to the bar. To put it lightly, the boy was a pervert, and it was rather easy to get him to come back with me after he'd gotten some alcohol in his system. After we were away from the village, I'd knocked him out and began to drag him by his arm, simply uncaring for the rest of his body. It wouldn't matter anyway once Orochimaru got a hold of him.

"Back so soon darling, and with only one?" Orochimaru chortles from his throne. I scoff and throw the still unconscious boy at his feet.

"Here. I got info that this one is off the charts weird. He's a pervert most definitely so I have no doubt that he's raped some women, maybe even some men, and I've also got inside information that he's leaked info on your other bases." I explain blankly. Orochimaru simply waves his hand and the body is taken to one of the cells deeper in the base. After the boy disappeared, I began to leave the throne room to go back to my room, but Orochimaru stopped me.

"Wait a second dearest, your present just arrived, how splendid!" Orochimaru cheers. In the next second, Kabuto comes in dragging something behind him, and what it was made me want to lash out and kill everyone in that very moment. Rage filled my eyes and they flashed dangerously, a brilliant blue.

It was....


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