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I wake slowly. My body feels as though I'm floating, as I can feel nothing but power. Pure destructive, evil, dark power flowing within me. But I can't just feel it, I can see it. A mixture of black, blue, and purple surrounds me like a tornado as I pull myself off of the ground and release a maniacal laugh.

"Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" I belt out as I walk out of the small structure I was previously standing in. I look down at my bare arms and legs to see beautiful black designs littering the left half of my body. I then look up at the scene before me. Blood littered the ground, as well as bodies. Team 10, a random sound kunoichi, Lee, and Sasuke were all on the ground. My head snapped to Sasuke who was looking at me wide eyed. I allowed a wicked grin to plant itself on my face as I began to speak.

"Sasuke, what happened to you and the rest of our fellow leaf ninja?" I ask in a sing song type voice. Sasuke's face goes from that of relief to fear as soon as I'd started to speak. He knew it wasn't really me, because the sane me would never act like this. I stare down at him with a crazed look in my eyes and the grin still on my face.

"Those- those sound ninja were after you, and we fought all of them up until now." Sasuke stutters as he points to the three ninja all in identical clothing, the girl now next to the other two men.

"Tell me Sasuke, which one of them hurt you so badly?" I asked as I crack my knuckles and narrow my eyes at the three. Just as I do so, Team 10 scurried off into the bushes to hide from the fight that was about to go down.

"That'd be me little girl." The one in the middle says. My smile grows into a sadistic smirk as my chakra lashes out even harder.

"Zaku, wait. This girl is-" The odd looking one says to Zaku. My crazed stare flickers back and forth between the two.

"Is nowhere near strong enough to battle me, Dosu. Take this, SONIC WAVE!" Zaku holds his hands out, which have small tunnels on the ends of each. Without a seconds hesitation, I grab Sasuke and Naruto and rush them to the left and out of the way of that massive wind that guy just released. After the dust settled, the boy didn't see us, so he declared victory.

"HA! See, I told you Dosu. They were no match for me. I took em' out in a single blow!" Zaku screeched. My dark chuckle filled the air as the sound ninja's eyes widened.

"Don't be so sure." I growl from our new location. Their eyes snap toward me, widening even further in shock.

"Such speed!" Dosu exclaims. I let out another cackle as I race forward and grab the girls head and slam her face first into the dirt, most likely breaking all of the bones in her face.

"My little Sasuke told me that you hurt his back pretty bad, this is just the beginning of my payback." I growl as I stand back up and stomp her into the ground farther, my foot planting itself in her back, a sickening crack sounding out. Sasuke gasps as I flash in front of Dosu and send a round house kick right to his jaw, throwing him up in the air. I then quickly leap up, propelling myself faster than him. As soon as my body is higher than his, I raise my leg up and dig my heel into the back of his neck, sending him pounding into the dirt below. I land next to his body gracefully and start walking toward Zaku.

"And you, little boy, have pissed me off the most out of your weak little group. Hurting my teammates multiple times, then trying to blow me away. Not good. I'm going to break ever bone in your body." I growl and grab the boys throat and throw him into a tree. I start walking forward to fulfill my promise, but Sasuke yells behind me.

"(Y/n), stop! It's not worth it!" He yells. I scoff and ignore him and continue walking forward. As soon as I reach Zaku, I raise my foot and stomp on his arm, crushing his radius and ulna. He yells in pain, but the man, Dosu, quickly gets up and grabs his teammates and flees. I growl in frustration and look around, and stop when I see the Hyuga boy and the weapon expert standing in a tree. When they see me eyeing them, they jump down and grab Lee. I start walking in their direction to kill them, but something warm jerks me backwards.

"(Y/n), please stop it. This isn't you. This isn't the real you." A smooth voice calls out in my ear, but it sounds so far away. The cool voice calms me down, and I can feel all of the wild chakra sucking back into me, into the mark. All of the light from around me fades, causing all of the pain to come back to my body.

"AAAHHHHHH!" I scream as I clutch my neck and fall to the ground, but it was softer than expected. I look back and see a worried Sasuke, who had stopped me from making a blood bath, calmed me down, and cushioned my fall. I grit my teeth as I allow my body to completely lay on his, him holding me tightly while stroking my hair. I panted as the pain started to subside just slightly.

"Well, that was quite a show." Shikamaru says as he comes out of the bushes, just as the Hyuga and his team were leaving, the Hyuga glaring at me as the girl had a look of pure fear of me in her eyes. I glare at Shikamaru who just holds his hands up in surrender. Ino shoves her way past Shikamaru and Choji to get to me.

"Hey (Y/n), why don't you come over here so I can tend to your wounds?" She asks in fake worry, attempting to get me off of Sasuke. I scoff and sit up on my own and move away from him.

"I'll pass, but you can help Naruto or Sasuke, if he wants it." I say. Ino squeals in delight and races over to Sasuke and starts to touch him all over, checking for 'wounds'. For about an hour, we all just hang out and wait for Naruto to wake up, which he does. Afterwards, Team 10 leaves, and we get ready to do the same.

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