"You've gone insane! Just what exactly did you go through in that jutsu?!?" I yell and run closer to her, but made sure to keep my distance.

"I killed you. Over, and over, and over again." (Y/n) growls sinisterly. I back up a step and stare at her back, disbelief running through me.

"Wha- what-" I stutter, but she quickly jumps up into the air, then flashes in front of me in the next second, eyes a blazing blue.

"You talk too much. Goodbye, Sasuke." (Y/n) says, and that was the last thing I heard before I was consumed by darkness. Her darkness.

~ Another While Later ~

"SASUKE, HEY SASUKE GET UP! (Y/N) IS GONE!" I hear an annoyingly familiar voice wake me, but it sounded like I was underwater. I rub my eyes, then rub my ears before sitting up. I slowly open my eyes to see a frantic Naruto, bouncing in place.

"I know. She's the one who did this to me." I said slowly while looking at the ground. Naruto stops moving momentarily before attempting to pull me off of the bench.

"Well, get the hell up and let's go get her!" Naruto shouts, still pulling my wrist. I jerked it back from him and gritted my teeth.

"She doesn't want to be found." I say as my fingers clench around the edge of the bench. Naruto stopped suddenly and got way too serious.

"What the hell are you saying, you're just gonna give up?!? That's pathetic! I'm going to the Hokage to form a team and we're gonna go get her and bring her back!" Naruto yells. My eyes widen considerably and I stand up from the bench, immediately running after him to the Hokage's office. After we got there, we explained what was happening to Tsunade. Her eyes widened and her teeth clamped together as she slammed her fist onto the desk.

"Shizune, summon Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, and Choji." Tsunade demands. Her underling, Shizune, raced out of the room, and not even five minutes later, all of the mentioned shinobi were standing in the room, receiving orders. Shikamaru was named leader, and then we headed off into the forest, Akamaru and Kiba sending us in the right directions. As soon as we'd caught up to the four sound nin, that's when the plans started falling apart.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stop these brats." The larger man, the one with hair like the girl's, said and cracked his knuckles. The other three sound nin then took off with a large box that was omitting a deadly aura. Deadly, but familiar.

"Guys, follow them, I'll stay here." Choji suddenly says. Shikamaru was hesitant, but in the end, he knew that he didn't want to fail the mission. It went on like this with Neji being left behind with the spider person, then Kiba with the double headed one, then Shikamaru with the girl, and finally it was just Naruto and I, until Kimimaru came along with the massive box next to his side.

"Is (Y/n) in that box, cause if she is we're taking her back to the village NOW!" Naruto yells in frustration. I watch, sharingan activated, as the box starts rumbling, then stops all of the sudden. Kimimaru snaps the top off of it and chakra literally leaks from it, then, all hell breaks loose.

"Hahah. Hahahahah!" Demonic, maniacal laugh erupts from the box. Clouds seem to roll in as (Y/n) leaped over the wooden side and onto the ground, her back facing us. My body froze and my mouth hung wide open, eyes filled with fear.

"Go, Lord Orochimaru is waiting for your arrival." Kimimaru states. (Y/n) doesn't even react, just races off back into the other side of the forest.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I scream as I run a couple of steps, but Kimimaru swings one of his bone swords at me, reflexively making me flip back. I grit my teeth and fight the depression taking over as I watch her figure fully disappear into the woods.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now