Despite all I'd done to him, he had a small smile on his face. Tears glass over my eyes again and pour rapidly down my face. Sasuke's face changes to that of shock and panic as he pulls me into a hug, I don't touch him, but he hugs me harder. He holds me for who knows how long, and honestly, it was one of the best, most uncomfortable experiences of my life.

I begin to flutter my eyes as sleep tried to consume me completely, but I push it aside and continue to let this odd boy hold me, as if he were an adhesive and I was falling apart. I exhale heavily, and I know I'm finally done crying, for now at least. Silence fills the air for a while, but Sasuke hesitantly speaks.

"So, what's wrong with you?" He asks hesitantly, but confidently, as if he'd been planning what to ask me the entire time. I don't answer him for a while, and he took it as if I was ignoring him and went to unwrap himself from around me, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him. His head snapped back toward me, waiting for me to speak. I grit my teeth, then unclench them.

"You'll understand, one day, you will truly know." I say, then release him completely and turn away, leaving him completely disoriented and confused. He will understand. He's too attached, and he will know my pain.

~ The Next Day ~

"Alright, it's time to get up, (Y/n), Sasuke. We're training today." Kakashi sensei says through the door of the room that Sasuke and I are sleeping in. I slowly crack my eyes open to be greeted by a peacefully sleeping Sasuke. His face was so innocent, childish, it looked to be completely untainted by the horrors of the shinobi world.

I pushed myself up off of the sleeping mat, much too quickly. My head spun and my vision momentarily went black as I swayed, but quickly settled myself. That's right, I didn't eat anything but breakfast yesterday. I went into the restroom and washed myself, dressed, and went back into the room to see Sasuke sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

I quietly made my way to my stuff and slid my sandals on. After they were secure, I grabbed my weapon pouch and clicked it around my hips, causing Sasuke to jump, for he hadn't seen or heard me yet. He gave me a small smile and went to speak, but I just quickly nodded at him and left the room to go eat breakfast.

When I enter the room, Tsunami is at the sink washing dishes, whereas Kakashi and Tazuna are conversing silently, and Naruto is shoving his face quickly. I roll my eyes and pull a chair out at the other end of the table, farthest away from the three. They eye me momentarily, before continuing doing what they were doing, but Naruto actually speaks to me.

"Hey (Y/n)! I heard from Sasuke that you've perfected your freaky eye thing! That's great!" I glare at Naruto for his choice of words, then plot ways to kill Sasuke, which I seem to be doing a lot lately. Apparently Sasuke had heard Naruto, who wouldn't, because when he came down the hallway, he glared at Naruto, then looked at me sheepishly. I sent him the same glare and began to eat whatever Tsunami had just put down in front of me. After we'd all eaten breakfast, the four of us had gone out to the forest, Kakashi lagging slightly because of his crutches.

"Alright team, today we will be climbing trees." Kakashi explains. My entire body tenses. I know where this is going, and this is what I happen to be the worst at, obviously demonstrated with my Daku.

"Oh yeah! This is gonna be a-" Naruto begins as he pumps his fist into the air, but Kakashi quickly speaks over him before he gets his hopes up.

"Without using your hands. Watch, I'll demonstrate." Kakashi finishes. Naruto's mouth drops open as he watches Kakashi walk up the tree with just his feet and crutches.

"You add chakra into the soles of your feet until you stick. However, if you add too much chakra, you'll propel yourself backwards away from the tree, and if you don't add enough, you'll fall. Good luck." Kakashi explains. I scoff and roll my eyes. The three of us each walk up to a tree and start trying to run up it, but we each continually fall.

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