"Did you know?!?" I yell at Kakashi. Gasps are heard behind me, I don't ever yell unless I'm truly livid, and they know that.

"Know what?" Kakashi asks with wide eyes. I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes at him, my fists balling so hard that my nails cut through my palms.

"You know exactly what the hell I'm talking about!" I scream at him again. I huff and look around the bridge. The mist is cleared, the sun is shining, and Haku's and Zabuza's dead bodies are laying side by side. I stomp off in the direction of Tazuna's house, this mission was over.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), wait!" Sasuke calls, but I ignore him and continue on. They follow me, but keep a massive gap in between us. I get to the house quickly, wash the blood from my body, then grab my things, all before the rest of the group had even made it back. As soon as they had entered, I'd exited and went all the way back to the bridge to wait, but I didn't have to wait for long.

They obviously didn't want to anger me any further because they were back within fifteen minutes. The entire walk back to the leaf was dead silent. I trailed at least ten feet behind the rest of the group, trying to make my anger apparent, but of course Naruto was more dense than a brick, this was obviously displayed with the Hyuga girl.

"Hey (Y/n), I-" Naruto begins, but I snap a deadly glare toward him. His eyes widen in fear and he takes a step back.

"Get out of my sight." I growl loudly enough for the other two to hear. Naruto's eyes fill with tears as he races forward to catch up with Kakshi just as Sasuke's head snaps back to me, looking at me with concern. I glared at him as well, so he quickly turns around. Mother Darkness's words replay through my mind the entire way back.

"You are going to make a lot of bad decisions child. Decisions that are going to hurt the ones you love, and those that love you. But I feel that in the end, you may do the right thing." We enter the gates of the village, when Kakashi stopped and turned around to face us.

"I want you three to go home and get some rest, you've all had a long week, but after that, I want you all to know that I'm enrolling you in the chunin exams. I think you guys are more than qualified to compete. If you want to, then at noon tomorrow, go to room 301 in the academy." Kakashi explains. This would be such a great opportunity to get stronger and defeat some worthy opponents. I will not fail.

"Seriously?!? Chunin exams Kakashi Sensei?!?" Naruto exclaims, but is obviously hiding his worry and sadness with that overly happy facade.

"Yes seriously, now leave me alone." Kakshi says, then disappears in a puff of smoke. Naruto and Sasuke turn to look at each other, then to me, but my back is already to them as I start walking away. I didn't want to go home just yet, so I decided to walk around, that is until I felt a pull, no not a physical, but something inside of me was pulling me towards something.

I follow my gut, and the closer I get, the harder it pulls, and the more commotion I hear, of course, it's Naruto. I finally round one more corner and see exactly what was pulling me. A demon, with two others. The boy had already felt my demon coming towards him, so he was already looking at me while Naruto yelled at a boy in a black suit.

"(Y/n)? I though you were going home." Naruto said after he turned around to see what the red haired boy was looking at. The boy's eye shone as sand erupted from the container on his back and slowly crept to me. I watched it with a blank face as it wrapped around me, caressing me lightly before dragging me closer to him. The two with him, a pretty blonde girl with the same eyes as the demon, and the boy with purple face paint, looked at the boy completely shocked for some reason.

"Hello, Demoness." The boy calls to me, still bringing me in closer. Right as I was a few feet away from him, a rock comes whizzing past his face, almost hitting him. The sand slowly unwraps itself from me. When it's gone, I turn around to see Sasuke standing in a tree. He had to have been following me to be here fast enough to stop the boy. Sasuke jumped down from the tree and landed next to me, looking at me with slight concern. I ignored him and turned my attention back to the boy with the blood red hair.

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