"Alright, winners should have received headbands. Congratulations, you are now shinobi of the Leaf Village. I couldn't be more proud of you all than I am now. Go home and get a good nights sleep because tomorrow you're going to be put on teams. Dismissed." Iruka finishes. I flash out of my seat and walk the same backroad, away from everyone else, except Sasuke.

Speaking of the brat, his footsteps are quick, he's trying to catch up with me, for the first time in four years, he's trying to walk with me. I exhale heavily, not in the mood to see anyone else for the day. I cross my arms over my rib cage and keep my blank expression present as he finally catches up to me, hands in his pockets, and a small smile on his lips. After a long period of silence, and him opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish, he speaks.

"Great job today." Sasuke says quickly, looking to me. I turn my face to him nonchalantly. His eyes widen and his cheeks go red. He quickly turns his face to the ground and kicks at pebbles with his feet, just like when we were children.

"You know, with your match and all." He continues. I turn my face away from him and prepare my monotonous reply. I scoff lightly and stop in the middle of the dirt road, which Sasuke notices a second or so later and stops a few steps away from me.

"That girl is weak, useless, like most of that class. She's too busy fawning over you to focus on her training, and at this rate, she's better off dead." I reply coldly as I keep my body still, stiff. Sasuke's eyes widen before a look of confusion and anger spreads over his features.

"Why do you always do that?" Sasuke asks and takes his hands out of his pockets and crosses them over his chest, just like he used to do as a kid. I ignore him momentarily and continue walking, but stop when I'm a few paces away from him to let him continue.

"Whenever someone is nice to you, you just brush them off like dirt, especially me." He says, then finishes quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear it. I ball my fists slightly over my ribs before replying.

"I do not need compliments. I need training." I say, and was just about to start walking again when he spoke, stopping me in my tracks.

"Then train with me." Sasuke says. My body stiffens as I have a mental battle. Should I? Should I not?

"I'll pass." I finally decide. It's best to keep him away from me as far and as often as possible. I continue my walk home, but once more, he speaks, but this time, he pisses me off.

"You're lacking, you know." Sasuke says and I can hear the smirk in his voice without even turning around. My fingernails dig into my palms as I let my fists hang by my sides now.

"What the hell did you just say?" I growl at him, but try and keep it as void of emotion as possible, but fail as my rage seeps into the words. He hesitates momentarily, afraid of my wrath before replying much more softly.

"You're lacking. Your left leg can't keep up with your right leg." He says. I allow my eyes to widen since he can't see my facial expressions, but return to blank when I turn around to face him fully and reply.

"You're on, you fucking bastard." I growled out once more. We continue our walk, me leading and Sasuke behind me, to the training grounds closest to our compounds, which was only past them by a minute or so, very close. We pass our compounds, then just as I said, not even a minute later, we were at the slightly overgrown training grounds.

Our clans were really the only people who used this location, but it obviously hasn't been used in a while. I continue walking to distance myself from Sasuke as he stays in place. I then turn around to face him and cross my arms under my chest.

"Simple taijutsu, no ninjutsu, doujutsu, or genjutsu, not that we have to worry about doujutsu or genjutsu anyway." Sasuke says. I crack my knuckles quickly, then nod my head at him. He nods and we both run at each other at the same time, commencing in battle.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now