"That's nothing! Big sister has her Daku mastered!" I argue as I cross my arms with a massive smirk on my face. Sasuke crosses his arms over his chest and puffs his cheeks out childishly, and I do the same. Smooth laughter causes both Sasuke and I to look in the direction of our older siblings.

"Well, I do think that they've introduced themselves, don't you think Itachi?" Big sister reaches up and ruffles Itachi's hair, causing me to giggle at his now messy ponytail.

"Just as we were when we were younger." Itachi smirks as he lightly shoves (Y/s/n), causing her to stumble a bit. They both laugh together as I stare at them with admiration. I'd always wished I could have a great relationship like Itachi and big sister have.

"Good spar." Itachi says as he and (Y/s/n) interlock fingers once more, this time, a bit longer than the first, and stare into each other's eyes, as if they forgot that Sasuke and I were here.

"You as well. Alright (Y/n) it's best we head home before mother has a conniption fit. Goodbye Itachi, Sasuke." Big sister says as she walks over to me and Sasuke, Itachi following her closely.

"Yes, we'd better take our leave as well. Lovely seeing you both." Itachi says, but they don't leave. Sasuke and I continue to glare at each other, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out into a fit of giggles before walking up to Sasuke and grab his hand.

"Goodbye Sasuke!" I shake his hand and yell, then run off giggling back to big sister. When I turn around, I see a wide eyed, red faced Sasuke and a smirking Itachi. Big sister smirks back at him and waves goodbye and we begin our walk home.

"So, what did you think of Sasuke?" Big sister suddenly asks. I put my hand under my chin momentarily and hum in a thinking manner.

"He was weird, but funny. I like him. Maybe he and I will be great friends like you and Itachi!" I yell happily as I clap my hands together at the sudden thought.

"I hope so, I really do. I've got a meeting with Itachi and the elders tomorrow, so you may not see me for a while." Big sister says as she looks down at me with sympathetic eyes. A frown makes its way onto my face and I look down to the ground.

"I understand, big sister." I replied sadly. (Y/s/n) stops walking, causing me to stop and look up at her. A small smile graces her lips. She reaches down and pinches my cheek.

"Hey, don't sound so down squirt, maybe you can play with Sasuke while I'm gone." She says after she releases my cheek from her grasp. My face lights up slightly as I nod my head.


~ Four Days Later ~

Four days had passed since the day big sister had taken me to watch her spar with Itachi, and I had hardly seen her since then. When I did see her, however, she was different. Her eyes were cold, hard, and stern, like she was hiding something. She didn't talk to me, mother, or father, and that hurt me beyond belief. Currently, however, I was just walking around at the top of our compound, which was right next to the Uchiha compound, and I had just so happened to see Sasuke walking alone as well, his face mirroring mine. I got a spark of hope within me and ran to catch up with the dark haired, dark eyed boy.

"Sasuke! Hey Sasuke, wait up!" I yelled as I got my small legs to carry me as fast as they possibly could over to him.

"Hn. What do you want? You gonna brag to me about how awesome your sister is some more?" Sasuke asked as he puffed his cheeks out and shoved his hands in his pockets. I stopped in place and watched him as he kicked a pebble. A bit of sadness coursed through me at his statement.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Your brother is pretty cool, probably much cooler than my sister." I said, recalling how mean (Y/s/n) had been to me these past few days.

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