"Well yeah us" Odd tells him.

"Well yes especially Aelita, Harry, Ulrich and me, and it just so happens that Aelita, and Harry and I are the only ones who can use the supercomputer" Jeremy tells him.

'I'm coming for Aelita so be careful" Xana said in Ulrich minds

"Get out of mind head" Ulrich mutter.

"Come on we've all done it" Ulrich tells him.

"Following our instructions on the phone or having Harry in the lab to send you guys, but what would happen if neither of us weren't around to give you guys any help Xana wins hands down, which is why all of you is getting a crash course on using the supercomputer this afternoon" Jeremy tells the group.

"What no way, count me out I'm going to the movies " Odd says.

"If you guys think you have better things to do then I can't force you to come, but don't expect to gain ground on Xana" Jeremy tells them.

"You're right some days it isn't easy being heroes" Yumi says.

"Agreed" Harry says.

"Listen we'll meet up at the computer lab after lunch if you pick it up quickly it will be over in a couple of hours okay" Jeremy tells them.

"Okay" Odd says getting up from the floor and leaving with Yumi, Ulrich, and Harry.

"Uh, Jeremy I uh can't make it this afternoon" Aelita tells him.

"What, why not" Jeremy asks her.

"I got my audition with the sub digitalis you know for the concert, today is the final round of tryouts" Aelita tells him.

"But that's impossible what if something happens to me while your gone" Jeremy tells her.

"That's no problem when you're teaching everyone, Harry there with you to help, and I'll keep my phone on if Xana attacks I'll be back in no time" Aelita explains to him.

"Okay maybe you're right, I worry too much go ahead, I can manage without you" Jeremy tells her typing on his computer.

"Thanks Jeremy" Aelita tells him kissing him on the check.


"So much for my training session great" Ulrich complains.

"What about me I'm going to flunk another exam for sure" Yumi says.

"Its nothing you think you've got it bad how I am going to tell Camille that petals of desire out for today" Odd says.

"Guys it won't be that bad I'll be there to help you" Harry tells them.

"Think about it Odd you're better off you don't have to pay all that money to sleep through two hours of a film" Ulrich tells Odd.

"It's a lot better than sleeping through a class given by our friend Einstein" Odd tells them.


"Okay we'll start off with going to go through a little bit of theory, I printed you up a small list of basic functions to prepare you-" Jeremy says getting cut off by Odd.

"Hey wait a minute Einstein would it be easier if we just went straight to the practical side you tell us what button to push" Odd says to him.

"Odd, working the supercomputer isn't like fooling around in the game console, before I can trust you with the controls I want to be sure you know this thing inside out" Jeremy tells them.

"Jeremy give them a break there at least trying" Harry tells him.

"Thanks bro" Ulrich says to him.

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