Pain Worse Than Death

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I was allowed to dream this time. But the pain was continuous, a dull throb in the background.

“So tell me again why you’re going to this dance with that creep?” Sophie said.

I smiled. “He’s not that much of a creep.”

“Joey Staten is a grade ‘A’ creep, Gee.”

“He’s nice to me.”

“Do you know why?”

“Does it matter?”

“He has a bet going with his friends. He’s going to try and sleep with you tonight.”

I turned to face her. “You can’t be serious.”

It wasn’t like Sophie to lie and I had to consider she wasn’t lying now.

“He has $20 on a kiss, $50 on a French kiss, and $200 bucks on sleeping with you.”

“I can’t believe this,” I said, slumping down on her bed.

“Just don’t go, Gee. Ok? Please?”

Anger boiled deep inside me. I looked up at her. “I want you to place a bet.”


“Bet $100 against the whole thing.”

“Gee…I’m not going to do that.”


I grabbed her house phone and dialed Aidan’s number.


“I need a favor,” I said.

“Ana! What can I do you for?”

“You know the bet Joey has going on me?”

I heard him spit out whatever he was drinking. I rolled my eyes.

“I need you to place a bet for me.”

“Ana…I swear to God I didn’t…”

“I don’t care, Aidan. I need you to place an anonymous bet for me.”


“$100 against all of it.”

“Gee…do you realize how much money…”

“Just do it. I’ll split it with you. Get a receipt.”

I hung up the phone. I turned to look at Sophie and smiled. She just smiled and shook her head.

“Ready?” I asked.

“This is going to be interesting.”

Luke was waiting for us in Sophie parent’s living room. He smiled when he saw us but then his face fell when he saw the look on mine.

“What happened?”

“I need you to do something for me,” I said.


“I need you to beat the crap out of Joey Staten when he tries to kiss me.”


“You’re my Guardian. You’re supposed to protect me. Protect me from him.”

“Ok. If that’s what you want.”

The Forsaken (Book Three in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now