Box In My Mind

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A/N: So, I’m obligated to put warnings on chapters that contain violence or other type stuff. This chapter holds VIOLENCE. Lots and Lots of violence. As will the next chapter and maybe the one after. I don’t know because I haven’t marked it up to post here yet. So take that into mind. 

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Αγάπη, wake up.

I blinked but all I saw was darkness. Then I felt the cloth across my eyes.


Where are you, Αγάπη?

I don’t know. I can’t see.

Are you ok?

I don’t know. I tugged on my wrists. My wrists are bond.

What do you smell?

I sniffed. Coffee. Michael I’m sca—

A wall was slammed up in my head and Michael was gone from my mind.

“Ah ah ah. None of that,” Jason said.

“How are you still alive?” I croaked.

“I’m hard to kill, Georgiana.”

“Where am I? Why can’t I see?”

“Oh, you know. Here and there. Right now we’re waiting on a few things. You’ll be ok until then right?”

“Fuck you, Jason.”

He laughed. “So much spirit!”

“What do you want?”

“We are conducting a test but right now, Alvus is keeping your mind…to yourself.”

I reached out with my mind and noticed that same sickly venomous presence in my head again.

“You? Again?”

He chuckled. But that was it.

“You only have a few more hours to wait. Then we can get this ball rolling. How about you go back to sleep?”


Alvus’s presence dragged me down into the dark, sealing me off from the outside world.

And Michael.

I was put in a box in my own head. How the fuck did that happen? I banged around and tried to push the guy out. But he kept the box tight around me, I couldn’t even feel my actual body.

I don’t know how long I remained there and when he opened it, I tried with everything I had not to be forced out.

“She’s fighting me,” Alvus said.

Leave me alone.

“She doesn’t…”

“I don’t care what she wants. Bring her to the surface.”

I was hauled out of the box and my eyes popped open. I still couldn’t see anything, the cloth still across my eyes. But I felt the pain Alvus had hidden from me earlier.

My breathing quickened and my heart raced in my chest.

“Oh it hurts. I know,” Jason said. “I can’t do anything for you right now, however. But I need you to get in touch with Michael. I need you to give him a message.”

“No,” I spat out, teeth gritted against the pain.

“You really won’t have a choice. Alvus said Michael’s been trying to get in since he threw up the barrier. And unless you have a mental barrier of your own, then Michael will come flooding in. So. Here we go. Message time. Tell him you’re injured and need help.”

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