Behind Door #1

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“You were quiet at dinner,” Michael said, sitting across from me on my bed.

We were playing go fish and I was losing…badly.

“And you didn’t eat,” I joked, laying down four eights.

“Georgiana…” he put down four kings, “what were you thinking about?”

“How my father was right. I survived the year. Granted I’m up sixty billion scars and two kills, but I survived.”

“Year’s not over,” he said grimly.

“No it’s not. But there’s been nothing of Jason and no one’s tried to kill me or kidnap me lately so…here’s for hoping. Three.”

Michael handed me one three. “But you’re not happy. Ace.”

I shook my head. “Who is?” I looked at him. “Around here happiness is in short supply. Ten.”

He shook his head. “Then you should try and find something that would make you happy. Queen.”

I handed him my three queens. “I’m not even allowed to leave campus. Over the past month I’ve gone over every inch of the grounds looking for something, anything….Four.”

He handed me two fours. “Maybe you’re not looking hard enough. Ace.”

I shook my head. “What else is there? Six.”

He shook his head. “Seven.”

I handed him a seven. “Are you happy?”

We aren’t talking about me. Ace.

What is it with you and Ace? I don’t have any.

He smiled and pulled a card. His smile got bigger and he put down four Aces.

You’re losing.

Aren’t I always? I flung the cards down in the pile and fell backwards. I can’t win anything.

Feeling depressed today, are we?

Michael knew the answer to that. I was always depressed. You’re hilarious.

Georgiana…you need to find some joy.

Joy? What’s joy?

I felt the bed move below me and his face appeared above me.

“Happiness, Georgiana. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of happiness?”

He read the mental picture and he rolled his eyes.

Sunshine and bunnies? You are not original.

I’ve got nothing, Michael. Nothing I’ve done makes me happy.

Then maybe you should try something else.

Like what? I’m open to any suggestions you may have.

He raised an eyebrow and his mental guard shot up, locking me out of his head. I wasn’t able to master that quite yet so I was jealous.

“That’s cheating.”

“It’s not cheating when you know how to do it.”

“Then teach me.”

“I don’t know how I can.”

I sat up and we gathered up the cards. His mental guard was still in place as he handed me the cards he’d gathered.

“Can you at least try?”

The Forsaken (Book Three in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now