Set Myself On Fire

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Again I was ripped from my dream and slammed back in my body. I still couldn’t see anything and the tears soaked into the blindfold. I sobbed and turned my head to the side.

Jason’s usual barbs didn’t come. In fact, there was no one there. How was that possible?

My sobs quieted and my hold on the arm rests relaxed.

I heard rustling off to my right. I went very still and listened. I didn’t hear anything else.

“Who’s there?”

The shuffling came back and then a hand took mine. I froze, sucking in breath. There was no one here who would hold my hand. This was just another punishment. Something else Jason cooked up to torment me.

A warm cloth came up to my face and I recoiled from it.

“Stop. Whoever—just stop.”

The person didn’t listen and wiped the blood away that had trickled out of my mouth. Whoever it was, was being careful not to give away who they were. I couldn’t smell anything or feel anything really. My senses were fried from Alvus’s torture routine.

The cloth came across my lips, wetting them and taking away the coppery taste. They moved on to the rest of my face. The cloth went away and my head was lifted up from where it rested. It didn’t hurt, my neck having healed, whether correctly was a different story. My ponytail was tugged out and my head was set back down. But no matter how gently they set me down, my pain sensors went off and I whimpered.

“Please stop,” I said.

The blindfold never slipped off my eyes. I rolled my head away from who ever was being nice to me. I was sure the pain would come back. I heard the scrap of a chair being pulled over, their hold on my hand never wavering.

We sat like that, neither of us saying anything. The pain was a constant hum in the back ground. But this was the longest I’d stayed awake. I felt out for the bond with Michael but where I usually found it, there was a door. And the door was locked.

I heard a door open in reality and my hand tightened around whoever’s hand was in mine.

“So. Shall we start again?” Jason asked.

I released the person’s hand and tried to struggle against the restraints. I felt Alvus sink back into my mind and I tried harder against my bonds.

“Aw, now Georgiana. Don’t be like that. Michael is following every instruction we’ve given him. Don’t ruin it now.”

“What do you want Jason?”

“I already told you. We’re testing your bond with Michael.”

“Why? Because you think it’s rare? Why can’t you just send out a survey like everyone else?”

My skin began to bubble like it was on fire. I ground my teeth together, trying to keep from screaming.

“Tell me what I want to know and this can be as painless as possible.”

The fire died and I relaxed.

“Now. How did it start?”

I sighed. “Well, I was on my way to the club one night when a tall dark and handsome man started following me. I went down an alley just like I was told not too and scaled the wall. I waited for him to come around and I swung around the pole and kicked him in the back…”

“That’s the plot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Alvus commented.

I smiled. “Someone’s a fan.”

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