Nothing To Trust In

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A/N: There is some violence in this chapter. And there will be more in the next couple of chapters so I'm sorry if you are sensitive to stuff like that. 

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Georgiana. Wake up. Michael’s voice drifted into my head

My eyes snapped open and I looked around. The lights were off. I could still hear my brother’s even breathing and his weight against me. My cheek was still resting on Luke’s chest. The fire crackled in the fireplace, light dancing across the walls.

What? What’s going on? Why are the lights off?

The power went off. I radioed your mom and she said it must just be the cabin.

But the cabin is hooked up to the school’s power.

I looked up at him. He was looking out the window, face grim. “Where’s Kati?” I asked out loud.

Packing. I need you to wake your brother and Luke. I think someone knows were here and cut the power line.

“How do you know?” I asked softly

He raised an eyebrow. I saw someone outside.

I was alert in seconds. Michael went back to looking out the window. I woke up Luke first and before he could say anything I covered his mouth. I pressed a finger to my mouth. He nodded, understanding. I moved and tried to wake up my brother. But like I knew, waking a teenage boy was really, really hard.

I pinched him and he woke up howling. I covered his mouth and shushed him.

“What’s going on?” he whispered. “What’s with the lights?”

“Powers been cut,” I whispered. His eyes grew wide. “Brought your knife right?”

He nodded. “But my boots are outside, just like yours.”

Michael. What do we do? We can’t run in bare feet.

Go upstairs, quietly, and see if Hekati has anything.

I motioned for my brother to follow me. Luke went to the back door and stood guard. I grabbed my brother’s hand and led him upstairs. We walked into Kati’s room and I knocked softly on the doorknob to alert her. I pointed to our feet and she nodded.

She led us out of the room and to the guest bedroom. She opened the closet. She handed me a pair of her old boots and handed a pair to Sebastis. Don’t ask me how she had shoes that fit my brother because I had no clue. Each pair of boots had a set of knives. Our school didn’t mind if their students walked around armed, we were trained and we were responsible.

We put the boots on and followed her back into the bedroom.

Anything? I asked Michael.

There’s four. Two out front and two out back.

Who is it?

Underworlders and Vampires.

Anyone we know?

Jason and my Uncle.


Tell Kati to stop packing. She’s not going to be able to fight and carry a bag. Be down here in two minutes.

“Kati, leave the bag. We have to go.”

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and gave her my come on look.

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