Bruce Wayne - Batman

Start from the beginning


The Batfamily, The Justice League of America, 


Talia al Ghul (Long time love interest), Catwoman (Occasionally kissed as Batman) Vicki Vale (Once as Bruce Wayne).


Crime Fighter, Detective, Vigilante, Hero (1999-present) CEO of Wayne Enterprises (1999-present)


Bruce Wayne came from the wealthiest family in Gotham City and one of the wealthiest families in the entire country. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, it was clear to Martha and Thomas Wayne that they wanted to teach their son that he was no better than anyone else and encouraged him to be humble and not take his money for granted. Bruce could not have asked for a happier or better family, that was until that fateful night.

A story that every child in Gotham was told, the story of the murder of the Wayne's. When Bruce was 8 he attended the opera with his Mother and Father, on the way home they decided to take a short cut through an alley which would take them to the nearest subway station. Unknown to them they were walking down a notorious street named "Crime Alley". Joe Chill decided to jump the three Wayne's, planning to steal Martha's pearls and Thomas' wallet. Thomas decided to fight back but was shot in the heart whilst Martha was shot in the head (according to Autopsy report). Bruce was left alone in the alley with his deceased parents. Commissioner, then lieutenant, Gordon was the first on the scene, prying a crying Bruce away from his parents. He refuses to comment on the mental state that he found Bruce in but it has been rumored that he was visited by psychologists from Arkham during his short stay in hospital.

In Thomas Waynes will he had written that Alfred Pennyworth would look after Bruce if anything were to happen to him. Already considered to be part of the family, Alfred immediately adopted Bruce and he became his ward. In moments of darkness, Alfred would always be there to help him through it, trying to divert all of Bruce's self-hatred away from himself and place the responsibility for his parent's deaths on the one man responsible- Joe Chill.

As Bruce Wayne grew up he grew more and more upset by the murder of his parents. Not satisfied staying at home with Alfred he leaves the luxuries of his billionaire life behind. He slips away during the night, he slips away without a trace, not even telling Alfred.

These next eight years are mostly mystery and are left to speculation. What is known is that in those eight years he learned to train his mind and body into peak physicality. He trained in many forms of martial arts and mastered all of them, taking certain aspects of each and combining them into his own personal style. In this time he also discovered his natural aptitude as a detective. Recognizing his passion, he spent years training in this art, solving mysterious disappearances, murders, and riddles, soon he earned the title of the world's greatest detective.

When he believed that he had learned everything that he could learn, he returns to Gotham city. He does not find his beloved city, but a city that had been poisoned by crime. The City that he remembered was no more, he could not stand to see it this way so vowed to fight crime. 

At the age of twenty five he goes out on his first escapade as a vigilante, clad in a balaclava, he gets thwarted by a pimp who had been hassling one of his prostitutes. He gets beaten, shot and stabbed he barely makes it back to Wayne Manor.  Whilst being stitched by Alfred, high off pain medication and delirious from his injuries he thought of his father and a bat flies through one of the windows. He mentally gives thanks to his Father for this sign. This is when he realizes that the criminals of Gotham city need to have something to fear, he knew that he needed to embrace his own fear. He needed to become a bat. He spent months perfecting his batman suit. through many trials and errors, he finally found the symbol that would instill fear into Gotham city's underbelly.

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