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Okay guys, this is a long chapter, I would have turned it into two but I couldn't find a good spot to split it. And once again I'm happy to take any requests


Friday brought a very overcast morning as you made your way to Yg. You were halfway there when you heard the rain approaching. Seconds later you saw the path underneath you darken with water.

You realized you hadn't brought your umbrella and mentally cursed. You quickened your pace when suddenly a white lamborghini pulled over next to you. Ji young was staring ahead.
"Get in" he said through the open window.

You debated whether it would be a good idea, considering he had practically ignored you the previous days. You got in, it was raining after all.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked, it came out sharper than you intended.

"Cause its raining" he snapped back.
"I mean, you suddenly stopped talking to me, and now your picking me up in the rain? I know you dont use this road to get to work" You tried to explain.

Ji young's expression softened. He remained silent until he had parked in the basement.

"You started going out with seunghyun, I didnt want to..." he began bitterly.

"Going out? With seunghyun? We just had drinks why would you jump to that conclusion?" You cut his sentence short.
Ji young was now on the defense.

"I...you were laughing and had a good night by the looks of it. You like him right?"

"I laughed and had a good time with you on two separate occasions!" You told him.

 "Well then..." he was at a loss for what to say. You decided to save him and finish the conversation.

"Just stop being so cold to me and ill forgive you". You got out of the car and headed to the elevator.
The ride was silent until the doors opened. Ji young slung his arm over you from behind and pulled you into him.

"Okay, I'll stop, I'm sorry." He whispered. He had his head low so his hair covered his eyes. What is this, you thought, a drama?

He released you from his warm grip. He walked past you and into the studio. You followed him in and sat down next to him.

Seunghyun was looking at you from a chair in the corner. He caught your eye and smiled sweetly. You smiled back as the manager came in.

"Okay guys, you can have tomorrow off because next Saturday is the variety show, but that means we have to do extra work today and next week, got it?"

The group cheered. Taeyang, who was standing near by asked you if you were joining them all for drinks tonight.

"We always go out on friday if we get a Saturday off" he explained.
"Oh, yeah of course" you replied.
The rest of the day was spent working. The manager needed you for some meetings while the band stayed to do some preparation for the variety show.

The day concluded in room 411 once again, and the manager dismissed everyone. You followed the group onto an elevator and you all got out in the lobby. The 6 of you walked the short distance to a nice quiet, outdoor bar.

You all sat around a table and taeyang bought a few bottles of soju. Everyone filled thier glass and put thier glasses together, you did the same. You drank a few glasses as bigbang laughed and talked.

The atmosphere was really great. After a little while the bottles were all empty but one. Taeyang held it up and then divided the rest between everyones glasses. You all clashed glasses once more and drank.

"Lets get this show on the road" Seungri cheered as everyone stood and left the table.

The now tipsy group made thier way towards a nearby club strip.

You could hear music as you turned a corner to see a bright strip of club entrances, with bouncers standing by the doors. People were lined up smoking, waiting to get in.

You followed the group to the front of a club and the bouncer let you all through. You could definitely get used to this you thought.

You all went to the bar and Ji young ordered 6 shots. The glasses were lined up and everyone tipped thier heads back together. Then to your surprise, the members split up.

Ji young found a nice spot at the bar and ordered a drink. Seunghyun and daesung walked off somewhere and seungri was chatting up a girl in the crowd.

"Can you dance?" Taeyang asked you smiling.

"Yep" you said proudly, excited to finally hit the floor again. With that taeyang pulled you onto the dance floor. You danced pretty well and taeyang of course blew you away.

After a few songs you both decided on getting a drink. Taeyang ordered and turned to you.

"So y/n, do you prefer seunghyun or Ji young?" He asked. You were surprised by his forwardness.

"Uh.. I don't really know, I mean, im just your managers assistant, and a fan, I couldnt possibly..." you stuttered. Taeyang smiled and had a mouthful of his drink.

"Have a think about it" he put his hand on your shoulder, finished his drink and disappeared into the crowd.

You stood there cradling your drink wondering what was going on. As you took another sip, Ji young appeared.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked, visibly tipsy.

"Yeah" you replied finishing your drink.

Ji young's hand grasped yours and he pulled you to a quiet corner.
"Why are we here..?" You began, but Ji young cut you off by pressing his lips against yours.

This time you were able to kiss back, but you suddenly felt eyes on you.

You turned to see Seunghyun watching you from afar. You came to your senses all of a sudden. Why did you kiss back? He was being so childish ignoring you. But why did you feel guilt when you saw Seunghyun's sad expression?

"Im going to get some air" you said to Ji young before heading up to the rooftop. You stood by the edge and watched the traffic go by.

There was a beautiful cool breeze. You sighed and closed your eyes. Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you. You turned, expecting to see Ji young. Instead it was Seunghyun.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, just wanted to get some fresh air" you replied. Seunghyun came closer.

"You know, if Ji young plays tricks like that... I can't let him beat me that way" he smiled determinedly. You were confused by this sudden statement.

"Just wait, I'll make you mine" he leaned in and stopped his face inches from yours. His eyes were piercing as he smiled and backed away.

"Got you" he started laughing. You were even more deeply confused. He smiled sweetly and you smiled back. When the two of you returned the tension was thick.

The group had come together again. You had a few more drinks with bigbang before leaving the club. This time Taeyang walked you home.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked. You sighed.

"Not yet" you replied, but you had thought about it. The logical choice would be seunghyun, but Ji young, despite the immaturity, seemed more intriguing.

"Well make sure you do, you should be sure to know what your feelings are" he smiled.

You were now at your door once again.

"Thanks for inviting me" you said and Taeyang smiled.

"See you on Monday then" he said and you went inside.

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