where are you?

587 17 2

derek was pacing ,he didn't like this,stiles had been missing for a week now and the pack couldn't pick up his scent....wich was good and bad...i mean atleast the coyote's were ruled out....but now they had to deal with a posible new threat and a very angry alpha ..

"Derek!!,derek i found something"
Derek's head snapped up as he looked over at scott who was on his laptop,
With a jolt of hope derek sprinted twords scott and looked at what the teen had found...it was footage of stiles's car driving down the road and suddenly got cut to stiles's car at the side of the road...but in the corner you could see a face that looked straight at the camara with a panicked expresion.

"Is that-?"scott asked as he zoomed further in,derek felt a low growl develop in his chest as he saw her blonde hair and two green lazerflashes that were suposedly her eyes....

"Kate"derek hissed ,scott flinshed at the waves of anger and grief coming of off his alpha.derek growled lowly before slamming scott's pc shut and running out the door...he needed to blow of some steam....kate had him...
She worked her way into derek's life again by taking the one he likes...no...
The one he loves...god he loved stiles..he would do anything to make the teen happy...

But now he had disapeard...and derek also noticed stiles acting weird before...like he was hiding something...

"Don't be ridiculous...our stiles would never keep secrets from us...and even if he wanted to...we'd know when he was lying"derek's wolf snaped at derek,who'm rolled his eyes....

His wolf was named den,every werewolf has it's own wolf...a kind of animal instinct only alot stronger... so strong that it has an actual mind on it's own...den liked to point out everything derek is doing wrong...
And he did it in a very annoying way...like VERY annoying...

But you couldn't get rid of your wolf...it was yours to keep,accept or ignore....people like scott prefered to ignore it...derek...well derek is a special case....his wolf is annoying yes but it was the only thing he had left from his mom...she gave him the ritual to unlock his wolf so that he would heal faster...it was her gift..

So he kept in....in a way it was some kind of memorial....for her...

When derek told stiles that he had burst out in tears and shared derek's pain...the boy had been trough hell and back....and derek didn't even know the half of it before they were close....

They all knew his mom died when he was young...he was alone...but after that many other things happend....
A month after claudia's death stiles went to live hith her polish sister for a while...anna,this anna was very kind and loving and made him feel good about himself...but then she got killed...his dad blamed him for it all...
The sheriff is a good man now but what he did to stiles.....that was-

Derek shiverd thinking about it... he rememberd that night...when stiles came crying at his house...it was the day his mother had died 15 years back and he was broken to say the least... he cried all night in derek's arms.. getting odd looks from isaac,boyd and erica who lived with him at the time...that night stiles told him everything...his mom,his aunt,his dad...but derek didn't think the kid had it worse then him...until he started about his older sister that had died.....said her name was paige.....

Derek had fallen apart,he had appologised over and over again until he couldn't speak,he had cried until there were no tears left....

And he pleaded for stiles to forgive him until he fell asleep in his arms...

Stiles never said anything the morning after that...he just braught derek to a flower shop and got 2 big bouqetes of chocolade cosmos flowers to lay on claudia's and anna's graves,and a bouquet of jasmine flowers for paige...they just sat at the graveyard the entire day...they didn't need to talk...they were comfterble with eachother from then on...

Derek sighed as he saw the loft come back in sight,he had taken a lap around the park and was now heading up the stairs when scott sudenly shot down brabbeling stuff derek couldn't understand,the alpha dropped his jacket on the couch and sighed again.

"Slow down scott,i have no idea what you are saying"he said,scott stoped and looked at him with a questioning look,feeling waves of grief and just overall tiredness coming of off derek.

"I think i found something good...
I found a picture of kate going to a warehouse not to far from the school,
It was surounded by armed people and you could clearly see they had no idea that there was a camera...i asked danny about it since he lives near by and he said they said it was a goverment thing and that he shouldn't worry about it,but when he asked for papers they freaked out and he hacked into there system...they aren't from the goverment...the only thing he was able to copy before they locked him out was a name....'GHA
Or grave heart antarax'...i still have-"
Scott was cut off by derek...

"GHA...GHA...oh god!!,scott if stiles is in there we have to get him out,GHA is a fast spreading virus that takes control over the heart and slows down your bloodstream...if he get's this he will be piosend,dryed out, and die of bloodloss ....if they hurt him the slightest...he's dead"derek said panicked,scott's eyes grew wide in shock.

"Oh god....where are you stiles?...."


So yeaaaaah...
I have nothing to say...i just love the tought of paige being stiles's older sister...in this story derek is also alot younger,the story is in 2017 wich means derek should be 30...but i made him 23...
He was 15 when paige died and 16 when his family died...

Stiles was 10 when paige died and
7 when his mother and aunt died.

So yeah....

Hope you liked the chapter...

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