Broken and bruised

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Stiles woke up in a dark room,walls of steel surrounded him,and he tried to remember what had happened,his memories recovered quickly and he looked around panicked before screaming in pain as a jolt of electricity went trough him.his eyes fixated on a figure that stood in the shadows.
He growled lowly.only realizing he did after it happened.he held back a grasp of shock.
His animal side..whatever it was was trying to take over.but he couldn't let

Kate laughed a little as she saw his eyes flash a crimson red.

"Look you decided to join the know Stilinski..I'm not that were going to end up on our side one way or the other"Kate spit,her eyes flashed a grass green and he flinched a little at that.Kate shook her head with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"You know stiles....first i was going to take you and exchange you for Scott...but now....i think i might as well get some fun before i kill the ones you love"the crazy bitch said.
She walked closer to him,pulling a knife from behind her back and placed it on his chest with a torturous smirk.

"Wanna have some fun?"she asked,but before stiles could answer with a sarcastic comment she plunged the knife into his chest.he grasped in shock as he felt the sharp blade puncturing his chest.

"You killed her"she spat at him,he couldn't help but notice her claws going into his skin.

He coughed up blood and felt the stinging of the wound as she pulled the knife out.the wound healing quickly but still leaving a mark.

She went over to a table with what seemed like a car battery that was hooked up to him and a small machine.she turned the dial and stiles screamed in pain as shocks went trough his body making him feel exhausted.

"Oh yeah...this will definitely be fun"


<<meanwhile with the pack>>

"Why isn't he here jet?!,he should've been here by now"Derek freaked out.
The pack was worried sick but Derek was a had been two hours ago that stiles had said he was coming and he still wasn't there..
Derek was about to start trowing things around when his phone ringed.
Everybody in he room went quiet as Derek looked at the id of the was the sheriff..

Derek sighed and picked up but soon concern flooded over his emotions as he heard the sheriff sobbing.

"D-Derek....t-they f-found h-his jeep"
Derek perked up at this information.
But soon he realized something more was going on...

"It crashed into a t-tree....b-but h-he's gone....t-they think coyote's m-might have dragged his body...t-there was blood...i-i..."the phone cut of and Derek felt his heart break in pieces.
Stiles had a stupid car crash.he cried out as he grabbed the first thing he saw and flung it across the room,that thing happened to be a chair and it broke in half as it hit the wall splinters and irony bits flying everywhere.

"Derek calm down...they don't know if he's dead....maybe he was able to crawl out?"Scott said tough he was fighting hard to keep his hopes up that his best friend was okay.

"or he was taken"Isaac whimpered as Kira suggested that,the thought of his mommy being taken made him panic,looking up at Derek with tears in his eyes.

"d-daddy....w-what if somebody took him?w-we'll find him right?"Isaac asked as a tear slid down his cheek.he looked up at Derek to see the alpha nodding.

"yeah and if we do-"a whine from his youngest pup made him correct himself.

"WHEN we find him....I'll make whoever took him pay...with there lives"Derek spit out as his mind switched to protective mode..somebody out there had his mate,and when he found them he'd make them pay and he's kill anybody who'd come in his way.


<<<<with ????????????????>>>>

She chuckled from where she sat looking at the boy being beaten by her finest recruit:Kate jill argent,a 28 year old female who has killed numerous of people.she had no mercy and would kill anybody for her mistress.

The operator he soon lost interest in the torture and she looked at the other camera's and saw the poor boy's pack.they were planning something and she slightly cursed herself for not installing microphones to so she could just see the sadness in there eyes.

She smirked,his pack had no clue that stiles was alive....that was good....they'd be even more helpless when they figure out that there precious friend is still alive and they'd do practically anything to get him back...even trade for there cute power full alpha,Scott Davin McCall...

To be honest everybody on this base hated the kid cause it was the only thing they if they somehow managed to get him...they could eliminate the treat...or even better....make a weapon out of him..

The woman smiled as she watched her plan being set in motion...

"Everything is going as planed"she sighed happily as she sat back in her chair and put her feet on his desk,just as she did one of her men came in trembling in fear.

"The boy is getting stronger mistress need to give him a virus soon before he breaks free"the guy said,he didn't dare to look in his mistress's eyes knowing the woman could kill with a stare.

She sighed as she stood,groaning as she cracked her back and walked out,pushing her young soldier aside.she took a syringe filled with a clear liquid from one of her shelves and headed twords the kid's room,
Kate stood outside,waiting for her.she nodded at her and smirked before opening the door and going in,stiles's head shot up and his eyes grew wide as he saw the woman before him.

He couldn't help but let a few tears slip as he saw her chocolate brown eyes staring at him from the shadows.

"A-ally?"he shocked out,the girl stepped up to him and plunged the needle into his neck with a murderous smile.her eyes turned pitch black.

"You mean this meat suit?...yeah...she's not ere right now"the woman growled.she soon calmed down and smiled and stiles felt multiple shocks go trough him.
He looked pale and started sweating,black blood dripping from his nose...

"This will hurt like a bitch....bye sweetheart"she said as he blew him a kiss before walking out,leaving stiles broken and bruised...

Sorry it took so long!!!!
I'm so sorry i was so caught up with school staring again that i completely forgot my promise...
But here it is...i hope you liked it....
It was a little quick but i needed that cause that is what i would do if i was jeff...(bring allison back but evil so everybody can suffer😈😈)
Okay i'm tired...i need some sleep..
Bye guyes..and remember to always...stay strange..

-lunatic out.

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