Ch 34: The Great Brain Robbery

Start from the beginning

For the first time since they'd met, Luthor smiled at her.


After Tala had explained what she had in mind, Luthor had wanted to begin immediately; unfortunately, the other members of the Society had demanded a meeting. This was why Luthor hated metahumans so much; just because they were more powerful than ordinary people, they thought they could do anything they wanted. Still, it gave Luthor time to address issues of obedience and effectiveness immediately.

Doctor Polaris spoke first. "We don't think you've got what it takes to run the show. You've been acting unbalanced, holed up in that lab, talking to yourself..."

"After Grodd tried to turn the world into apes," Sinestro added, "you can imagine how seriously we'd take something like that; what are you going to do, make everybody bald?"

Polaris took the reins again. "Maybe it's time for younger, smarter, more aggressive leadership."

"Really?" Luthor asked, doubtful that even the entire Society together was smarter than him.

"Yeah," Polaris continued, "why should any of us follow you?"

Luthor stood up and looked each member in the eye. "Because I'll show you how to make more money in one day that you've made in your entire lives."

Now he had their attention.

The Watchtower

"Look, we know Grodd's running some kind of organized group," Green Lantern said, "I'm tired of just putting out fires."

"I agree," Mister Terrific said, "We need to find his new Secret Society and take the fight to them."

The rest of the League had been voicing these same feelings for weeks, especially after Grodd had almost turned everyone on Earth into apes. Braedey was particularly frustrated; he preferred being proactive, rather than reactive. It reminded him of when he'd fought both the Autobots and Decepticons before they repaired old wounds and brought them together. That had taken forever to end, and he was getting a similar vibe here. That was why he, Supergirl and several other Leaguers were on the Watchtower; Doctor Fate had discovered a way to track Grodd, but the only thing stopping him was a reluctant speedster.

"I know, guys," Flash said, "but there has to be another way!"

"This is the best, maybe the only shot we have," Mister Terrific replied, "When Grodd had you under his telepathic control a couple of years ago, he left a psychic imprint in your mind."

Fate stepped up. "I can mystically access that imprint and trace it back to Grodd, wherever he hides."

"And when we do find Grodd," Red Tornado said, "we will likely find Luthor, Bizarro, and any number of wanted criminals."

"And I'm all for that," Flash said, still hesitant, "but I don't like strangers nosing around in my brain... no offense, Doc."

"I assure you," Doctor Fate said, "I won't be reading your thoughts; your mind is simply a portal."

"This really seems like it's more up J'onn's alley," Flash said, backing up; Supergirl stuck her foot out behind him, tripping him into a chair that Mister Terrific had set up. Braedey gave his wife a high-five for that.

"Yeah, well, J'onn's not here," Green Lantern said, "He's in China, rescuing people from collapsed buildings when that earthquake hit last night."

"Which is also something that we should be helping with..." Supergirl began.

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