Chapter 23

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Night was beginning to set. Astral grew worried. It was the first day of battle; surely, none of them would be able to get any sleep. He pursed his lips and continued onward; the others had gone on without him when he stopped to look at the sky. He hurried to catch up.

"Black Mist!" he called. "It's-" He suddenly stumbled, his eyes closing the moment he hit the ground.

Black Mist quickly turned around. "Astral!?" He hurried to Astral's side and tried to shake him awake. "Astral, wake up!" It was no use. Surely, he was having another vision. Why now, though?

He was suddenly painfully aware how bright Astral was shining in the darkness. His golden cloak would also have to go since it was also pretty bright in the darkness.

"We need to find somewhere to camp," he said to the soldiers. "Somewhere where we won't be spotted easily."

"Yes, prince," the leader replied and ordered his men to start searching around.

While he was waiting, Black Mist took off Astral's cloak and stored it in the shadows. Then, out of his own ooze, he crafted one that was black so that it would be easier to move around at night. While he was at it, he made himself a black cloak as well. Both of them were lined with gray fur, and the same gray fur filled in the inside so that they would both be warmer. Finally, the foot soldiers signaled to him that they found a suitable place to camp, so Black Mist picked Astral up bridal style and hurried over, the hounds trailing him all the way.

The camping place was a somewhat shallow cave with a rock that could easily be pushed over to be a door. It was dry, and the fact that it was a cave meant that the cold would be kept out. It was perfect. Two guards stood watch while everyone else went to sleep.

~.That Morning.~

Astral's eyes opened suddenly. They were empty since he was still having his vision, but this was a little different. He stood up and walked over to the boulder.

"My prince?" one of the guards called out. "Are you okay?"

Astral didn't answer. He held up one hand and caught the boulder in a blue aura. Then, swiping his hand quickly to the side, the boulder was tossed like a light toy to the side. The noise caused everyone to wake up to see if they were being attacked, but all they found was the Cosmic prince standing at the entrance in a trance-like state. Then, he walked out.

The black crystal was underground somewhere, guarded by a sorcerer born of the crystal itself. When the dark one sensed one of its brothers died, it summoned another one, and then another, and another after that. It didn't stop for anything, not even to take a break. Anyone else doing this would have quit a long time ago, but not this one. This one was tireless.

It knew others were coming to take away this crystal. It knew which one it would have to kill, too. The others could be dealt with afterwards, but the young sorcerer had to go! He would destroy the crystal if it wasn't careful, but no worries. It would defend the crystal no matter what. After all, those were the instructions given.

Speaking of the sorcerer, there he was, already readying his magic to destroy the crystal. 

Astral suddenly stopped. He was right in front of a cave entrance with no idea how or when he got there. Heck, he didn't even know how it became day! The only thing he knew was that the others were barely catching up to him with confused expressions. Astral had to admit to himself that he was also very disoriented.

"What happened?" Astral asked Black Mist the moment he caught up.

"I was hoping you could answer," the Obscure prince replied. "You just walked off on us and didn't reply to us when we called you. What was that about?"

Astral shook his head. "I wish I knew. I was having a dream, I think. No, a vision." He looked at the entrance, and sudden realization hit him. "It's in here! The crystal is hidden in here, deep in this cave, and something is guarding it. I know it!"

"Was that what the vision was about?"

"Yes, yes it was! Let's go!" Astral grabbed Black Mist's hand in his excitement and practically flew down the cave and down the stairs hidden inside.

When all of them were through, the door behind them closed shut, trapping them inside. None of them paid any attention to it since they could just break it down when they needed to get out. What welcomed them in the tomb was a long, dark corridor that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Stay between us," the leader of the band said. "We will protect you from all sides."

"Alright," both princes said at the same time. The band of foot soldiers formed a tight circle around them while the hounds went ahead, sniffing the ground for any sign of danger.

They marched on in the near darkness. The only light available was Astral's natural glow and a soft ball of light he placed in front of them. Nothing jumped out, surprisingly, but they were always on their guard. As far as Astral knew, though, there was only the sorcerer that was keeping guard.

As they walked, shadows popped up behind them. While they were very eager to kill the bright one, they had their orders from the sorcerer. They were to kill the entourage instead. Afterwards, they could join the army to kill more bright ones. One by one, very silently, they snatched the guards and hounds behind them.

Astral was the first to notice the drops in energy behind him. He quickly turned around, but it was too late; all of the guards behind them were gone, most likely dead.

"What the hell...?" Black Mist whispered. "Is something in here with us?"

"Yes," Astral replied bluntly. "But I can't tell where."

Suddenly, the hounds started barking, which echoed in the long, enclosed space. Then, the barking turned to high pitched yelps and the surprised cries of the soldiers. Astral and Black Mist whirled back around, but it was too late.

They were now alone.

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