Chapter 7

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No one tried making small talk, and Astral refused to tell them anything about what happened since he promised. He said that he would explain when Black Mist came to. The people traveling with them said that it may take forever, but if that was what it took, so be it.

They reached the kingdom, and the citizens were startled and confused to see the royal family escorting a Barian carrying a black entity in a cloak, but they didn't harass them for it. The group entered the castle with no hassle.

"Come with me, Vector," Astral said. "The infirmary is this way."

The two of them walked in silence all the way to the infirmary to get Black Mist treated properly. The silence continued as the doctors worked on the Dark Number; they waited outside of the room with Vector pacing and Astral practicing his magic.

"What made you want to heal Mist?" Vector finally asked. "You could have killed the only heir to the Obscure throne, but you didn't. Tell me your reasoning."

Astral didn't answer for a while since he was searching for a reason he did what he did. "In all honesty," he said, "I do not know. It just did not feel right to leave him to die at the hands of one of his own people like that."

Vector nodded. "Do you know who it was? Can you describe him?"

The prince proceeded to describe the Number he saw, and with each word he said, Vector's eyes widened. Then, they narrowed as if he was angry for some reason. Astral gave Vector a confused look, but he kept right on going.

"That son of a bitch..." the Barian Emperor murmured, clenching his fists. "That was his personal guard. They were actual friends, and then he goes and attempts to kill the very person he was protecting!" He calmed down a bit. "But...he wouldn't have done it on his own. It would never have crossed his mind. It must have been someone who sent him to do the deed, but who?"

"Could it be his father or cousin?" Astral asked, sliding down to the floor with his back against the wall. He drew his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. "After all, he did provide an escape for me, knowing full well that he could get punished." He leaned his head back against the wall. "That could be reason enough for them to try and kill him, is it not?"

"Yes." Vector clenched his hands again. "They will pay...!"

Astral chuckled. "Calm down a bit first. Father always says that an angry mind leads to rash actions. Here." He materialized a soft ball out of magic and handed it to Vector. "Squeeze that a few times to get your energy out."

Vector did that for quite a while, bringing back the silence except for his occasional growls. Eventually, a doctor came back out and announced that Black Mist was in the recovery room and that he was about to wake up from the surgery. Of course, Vector was the first to rush in, and Astral calmly made his way to the recovery room, getting there before Vector since he knew the way better.

"In here!" he called to the Barian as he pushed open the door. Vector followed and hurried to the bedside.

"Blackie?" Vector whispered with a tremble in his voice. "You okay?"

Of course, there was no response at first, but soon after, a small groan escaped black lips. Vector nearly tripped over his own feet when he leaned in closer. Black Mist's eyes opened some, and when he spotted Vector, he smiled a bit.

"What do you think you're doing here, dork?" he chuckled hoarsely. "And where are we?"

"The Cosmic Kingdom," Astral answered instantly. "You are being treated for the stab wounds you received from the assailant."

"Well, that would explain why you're not scared out of your wits."

"Very funny."

Black Mist closed his eyes again, draping one arm over his eyes. "Still the same day?"

"Still the same day," Vector confirmed.

"Good. Now I have a good chance at catching up with that moron and gutting him alive!" Black Mist roared, nearly choking on coughs when he strained his lungs too much.

"You will not be doing any gutting, Black Mist," Astral chuckled. "And you might want to calm down before you tear the rips in your lungs. How else will you gut people alive if you're dead?"

The Dark Number relaxed in his bed with a small grin. "I doubt I will. He would have probably escaped."

"Or he would have probably been killed by Pluto," Vector interjected. "He and I think your father sent him after you because you helped him." He gestured to Astral. "And I think he killed my family because we're associated with you."

Black Mist scowled. "He's gonna get it as soon as I can move properly."

"You will have to train more, though," Astral sighed. "You know firsthand how powerful your father is, and I have only read about it. Either way, we all know that you are not going to kill him with your present power."

Black Mist chose not to comment, but he knew that Astral was right. Of course his father would he able to overpower him with his eyes closed! Heck, his father was even stronger in physical combat!

"He does better with swords," Vector added. "Maybe you'll be able to beat him if you use one." He said the words slowly, as if saying them would cause another war between the kingdoms or something.

"I won't!"

"Blackie, stop being childish! For all you know, it could be the only thing that helps!"

"Or not," Astral said softly. He seemed to be staring intently at Black Mist. "There may be another way, but I need Father to confirm it for me." He got up and adjusted his cloak. "I will be back shortly."

The two watched as the prince left, and then there was silence. Vector looked down at his friend with hidden worry. He was normally never caught off guard before, not even when he seemed to be relaxed, so why did he allow himself to be stabbed?

"Blackie," Vector said. "Why did you get stabbed?"

Black Mist looked up at Vector. "Because I was distracted."


The Obscure prince looked to the door to make sure no one heard and whispered. "The prince."

Vector was taken aback. "Why?"

"It's because he's the first one who came along that actually caught my attention, Vector!" He was grinning from ear to ear, but not in a dark way. Vector had only seen him with this look when they were both kids. "Vector, I think I'm in love!"

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