Chapter 4

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Astral looked at the looming, awful kingdom that housed his rivals. He didn't even realize how far he walked!

"Well, aren't you a cutie?" someone behind him purred after a long moment of silence.

Astral jumped when he heard the voice. He whipped around only to see nothing there. "H-hello?" he stammered in a small voice.

"Behind you!" the same voice sang. A clawed finger tapped his shoulder.

Once again, he turned around and saw nothing there. He had his back to the forest and was slowly backing away, not knowing that he was going into his enemy's territory.

Someone was behind him again.

Arms caught him from behind, making Astral yelp in surprise. The arms were black with the same markings he had. They were holding him in a firm manner, so he couldn't escape.

"Why did you come to my territory, my adorable little prince?" the being purred.

Astral tensed up. The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't place the voice with a face.

"Y-your territory...?" the prince whispered. "Where...?"

"Where are you?" The being chuckled and turned him around, keeping him really close. "Why, the Obscure Kingdom, silly!"

Astral's eyes widened. "You..." He couldn't go on. The one in front of him was black and looked almost exactly like him. He had red markings where his green ones on his forehead were. The being's right eye was black.

"Me?" The black bring winked. "Me what?" Then, he bit the inside of his right cheek. "You know, my parents would love to have you as their little prisoner plaything." He then pulled him closer, making Astral's heart pound furiously in panic. "I will not let them have you, though. I also will not be returning you to your own kingdom. I know exactly who you are, and I believe you know who I am as well."

Astral tried to break free of his grip, but this one was clearly stronger than he seemed.

"Now, now!" the being chuckled. "Calm down, sweet prince!" He tightened his hold further; the Cosmic prince stopped struggling for the sake of conserving air. The Obscure prince moved his face closer, making Astral very uncomfortable. "You wouldn't want me to do something you wouldn't like!"

S-something I wouldn't like!? What does he mean!?

"Prince!" someone called. "Prince Astral!"

Astral turned his head in that direction, relief filling his chest. He tried calling back to get their attention, but Black Mist clamped his clawed hand over his mouth.

"Now, now, I can't have you being saved right when we meet!" he growled into his ear. "Now, you're going to come with me or-"

"Cousin." A new voice rang out. It sounded pompous and arrogant.

Black Mist whipped around, letting go of Astral in his haste but not freeing him completely. He still had some tentacles, thin and small, wrapped around his ankles to keep him from leaving.

The Obscure prince growled. "What do you want, Kai?" he sneered.

Kai looked past the prince and spotted Astral. "Who is this, cousin? Is this not a prince of the Cosmic Kingdom?"

"Answer my question! That is a direct order!" Black Mist stood straight and used a commanding voice. "If you do not answer, I will have father behead you!"

"Oh, my dearest cousin, you and I both know that my dear uncle would never do such a thing," the pompous cousin purred, slinking closer. "Now, come with me to deliver the trespasser to your mother and father."

Black Mist scoffed. "No. I caught him, and I keep him."

Kai chuckled. "Oh, cousin, dear cousin, you would not want me to tell your little secret to your parents. They would disown you."

Black Mist childishly stuck his tongue out at him. Astral couldn't help but giggle a little. It was a little out of character, but it was funny to see that!

The dark prince looked back at his captive when he heard that sound. It was a very cute sound. He flashed his victim a smirk before grabbing his wrist and taking off. Astral yelped, unable to pull away from his captor. The one known as Kai followed quickly.

The Dark prince weaved in and out of the branches with ease. They soon lost his cousin in the trees. Black Mist chuckled and hid the both of them in a cave.

"Now, he can't find us," he purred. Then, he turned to his find. "So, why did you venture out here, sweet prince?"

Astral didn't answer at first. He honestly didn't want to talk to this person, but he knew that at least he wouldn't do anything. He seemed much too attached.

"Why do you want to know?" Astral answered. He might as well answer his question with another question.

Black Mist chuckled. "Quite the smart one, hmm?" He tilted the other prince's chin to face him. "Just wanted to take a look?"

"I was on a walk!" Astral retorted. "That was none of your business, but I decided it would shut you up."

Black Mist chuckled. He was about to say something when he suddenly stopped. He had a look on his face that said someone unwelcome was here. "Prince, hide yourself," he hissed.

Astral, alarmed by this sudden warning. He used his magic to make himself invisible and hide his presence.

Black Mist stood from where he was and approached the entrance. Then, three figures came in. Two were adults, and the third one was near the dark prince's age.

"Mother. Father," he said. He didn't sound at all happy to see them. "How did you find this cave?"

"Kai told us," the woman said. "What are you hiding here?"

Black Mist scowled. "What makes you think I have something here that I need to hide?" He sounded very offended, but Astral knew that what he was saying was a lie.

"Do not lie to us!!" the father thundered. "You have something here, and we will not rest until you tell us!"

"Kai may be lying."

Kai clicked his tongue. "Cousin, dear, why would I lie to my dearest uncle and aunt? My manners wouldn't allow it."

Black Mist sneered. "You have lied before!"

The dark king slammed his fist on the rock wall, making it crack. "Enough of this!" He grabbed Black Mist by the arm. "You will come with me, and you will not leave the house until you stop with this attitude!"

The dark prince glowered at his own father. "And what makes you think I will just stay in the castle until you say so?"

The king pulled his son with such strength that surprised the prince. "I will make sure of it! I will have you in your room, bound and gagged until you tell the truth!" Pluto looked over to his nephew. "Bring the prisoner."

"Yes, dear Uncle." Kai grinned and walked over to Astral. The Cosmic prince stiffened, knowing that he had been discovered. He didn't know how, but all he knew was that he needed to escape!

Astral quickly jumped away, using his magic to teleport away from his assailant. Unfortunately, Kai also had knowledge about the ways of magic, and he knew how to use it better than Astral. He quickly caught him and held him to his chest.

The prince made himself visible, knowing that being unseen was futile. "Let me go!" he growled. "I need to get home!!"

"You should have thought of that before you ventured out here," Kai purred. He then followed the king and queen back to the looming castle.

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