Chapter 20

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Out in the lands beyond the Cosmic Kingdom, Kai and Esmeralda ventured down into a deep cave, where a special fuel source laid dormant. Before they moved to the Obscure Kingdom, Esmeralda's husband crafted this gem, blacker than midnight, for a special occasion. Unfortunately, the crafting needed a sacrifice, and the sacrifice had to be the one crafting it. He was glad to do so, if it meant leaving his family with something special, something to help them rule the Obscure Kingdom. Of course, they had yet to rule, but Esmeralda and Kai figured that they would put the crystal to good use.

Esmeralda approached the black crystal, which was huge and was as tall as the cavern itself, and laid her hand on it. "Hello, dear," she purred. "We need your power now. I do hope you don't mind."

~.Obscure Kingdom.~

Black Mist seemed to be trying harder to learn how to use a sword. Pluto noticed how he was taking note of the defensive and offensive stances that every sword fighter knew. However, Pluto couldn't help but wonder why he was trying so hard now. He couldn't fathom what was going on in his mind that made him want to learn.

They finally finished, but still, Black Mist insisted he trained with the wooden dummy some more with a wooden sword. Pluto was left utterly confused as he entered the castle once again.

"What's wrong?" asked Vector when he noticed the look. When he and Black Mist came back to the Obscure Kingdom to tell Pluto and Minerva the news, Pluto offered Vector a place to stay in the castle without anything in return. "You look upset."

"Black Mist seems to be changing," the king replied, "and I don't understand why. He used to hate using a sword, but now he uses it everyday."

Vector watched as his friend beat the dummy mercilessly. "When did he start?"

"Yesterday, while we were at the meeting. Maybe it was the vision we were shown, but why would that make him do this?"

"Maybe he was just ready for a change, your majesty." Vector furrowed his brow. "But it is very sudden."


That was when Black Mist came back inside, slightly tired, but he was no worse for wear. Maybe he came back in because something was bothering him; his face, which normally gave little away in terms of uneasiness, was showing a little more nervousness than usual.

"Vector, I need to talk to you," he whispered.

Vector nodded. While they walked down the hall to Black Mist's room, Vector asked, "What's wrong?" He was sure to keep his voice low to make sure the servants didn't hear.

"I'm getting a really weird feeling," Black Mist hissed. "Since last night, actually. I had a weird dream of Kai and Aunt Esmeralda approaching a huge crystal. They started making these...things. They had nothing, no feeling or anything."

Vector was shocked to hear that Black Mist had been having dreams about the very thing Astral had a vision about. "Don't you think it could just bee a nightmare?"

"I thought about that, but my mind keeps telling me that it's something real." The Obscure prince shuddered. "But it wasn't even the things that creeped me out. It was the crystal. It was pitch black, but it felt like it was living, like someone was trapped in there. Actually, I think there was."

"Why aren't you telling your dad about this?"

"I don't know how to tell him that! He's already got enough on his plate as it is!"

"He has to know!"

They finally entered the room and shut the door, making sure the door was locked and that no sound would escape. Now, they could talk freely. "I know he does. I just...feel scared when I talk about it, as if talking about it makes it more real than a dream. I thought maybe you should know so you could tell him instead of me."

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