Chapter 6

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He knew he was going to be in a serious amount of trouble when he got home, but Black Mist didn't care. He'd been through hell and back, so it wouldn't bother him at all.

The two trekked through the forest, dark and dead, and finally, after hours and hours, they made it to the edge. The Cosmic Kingdom was in sight; all that Astral had to do now was walk. Out in the field that separated the two kingdoms was mutual territory. No one fought or attacked in mutual territory.

That didn't stop anyone from attacking within the borders of the Obscure Kingdom, though.

"Off you go, prince," Black Mist said while leaning on the tree.

Astral was about to go, but then he seemed to change his mind. "You are Number 96 Black Mist, right?"

The Dark Number nodded. "And you are Astral."

"How did you know?"

Black Mist grinned playfully. "Let's just say that while I was off sulking in the woods before you came, I had a dream where we were fighting."

Astral was taken aback. "My vision was of the same thing. Could it have been a sort of...meeting for us?"

"Could have been." He waved. "Off you go, now. You don't want to get caught in some kind of-" There was suddenly a long, wide sword that sliced through his abdomen. Black Mist's eyes shot down, his expression one of pure shock and confusion. Who would want to attack him in his own kingdom?

The injured prince sank down to his knees, coughing out blood. Astral hesitated no longer than a split second before pushing his palm against the air and slamming it into the unknown attacker. It didn't stop there, though. For some reason, he felt this deep rage and need to protect the Number who kept him here.

Astral lunged at the person and literally, without having any training with this, slammed his magically enhanced fist right into the man's face over and over again, keeping his victim pinned under him. It was only when he heard a soft thud that he stopped and checked on Black Mist and inspected the damage.

The sword made progress from his abdomen to nearly his chest, but his diaphragm was surely damaged; hence, the ragged breathing. There were also short, small, deep stab wounds on his back, poking to his front. That would explain how his lungs got punctured. He started to heal the major injuries as best as his medical magic was able to, and it did a pretty good job. Sure, he would have some internal scars that would rip at any moment, but this was just first aid!

When he was done, Astral walked over to the assailant and studied his face. He was a blood red with lava hair and burning skin. He assumed that this was a Number he was unfamiliar with; he was definitely not a 61 as far as he knew.


Astral went to touch Black Mist to take him to the Cosmic Kingdom when a voice stopped him. "Astral?"

Astrid came into view in the distance, and when she saw that it was his brother, she immediately ran like the wind and tackle hugged him, nearly choking him.

"I thought I'd never see you again!!" she exclaimed. Surely, she was going to alert everyone in a fifty mile radius! "How did you get here!?"

Zeon and Astralena also arrived when they heard their daughters squeal. They then alerted the guards that they found their son and to come immediately.

"Astrid, calm down," Astral hissed, struggling to get out of her grip so he could help the fallen Number. "You will alert the Obscure that we are here at their border!"

"Sorry," Astrid whispered. Then, she looked at the bodies on the floor. "Man, you really did a good job of defending yourself! So, how did they try and take you? Did you blast them?"

Zeon took his son's hand. "What happened?" He looked into his eyes.

"Father, I would like to tell you, but he needs our help right now." Astral pointed to where Black Mist laid, his breaths coming in steadier but still life threatening. "I didn't hurt that one; this man over here did." His finger then pointed to the lava man whose Number he couldn't identify. "He was stabbed and damaged, and we simply cannot wait for explanations until we get back."

Astralena was already at work looking over Black Mist. She didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was handling a Dark Number. "His internal damage has been mostly healed, just not the minor injuries." She got up from her crouching position as the guards came into view. Then, they started to go.

"If you're taking him to your kingdom, I have to go, too," a voice called from the distance.

A man soon came into view. He had gray skin with lighter, spiked hair and black wings. His hair, arms, and wings were decorated with gems, and he had a cloth around his midsection with a cloak in his arms. It was obvious to them that this was a Barian.

"Who might you be, Barian?" Zeon called back.

"Barian Emperor Vector, but I suppose that title goes away since my parents were murdered." Vector stopped in front of them. "That Number is my friend, and I intend to go where he goes."

The guards were about to object to this, but the king stopped their mumblings with a hand. "Silence, please." He looked Vector over and then nodded. "You care a lot about your friend, do you not?"

"He means the world to me. I would go against King Pluto himself if it means protecting him."

"Then you may come." With a swish of his robes, Zeon walked off with the confused guards. Vector took Black Mist into his arms, wrapping him in his cloak.

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