Chapter 13

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Astral and Vector awoke with a start to hear Black Mist screaming "he fucked me up" over and over, and soon his screams became cries of agony as his body, unable to hold the stresses of his rage, started painfully transforming into his monster form.

"What do we do!?" Astral exclaimed in a panic. "How do we fix this!?"

"I don't know!" Vector admitted, shouting above his friend. "This hasn't happened before!"

Astral then snapped suddenly, his face lighting up. "I know!" Immediately, he went back to Black Mist's side and placed his hands to where his head used to be. Now, it was a bull-like head with horns and 96 etched into it. He then started sending calming waves gently. The effect was immediate; Black Mist started calming and quieting, soon reverting back to his original form. His palms were pressed tightly to his eyes, and his mouth hung wide open as he gasped for breath.

"That sneaky little bastard," Black Mist groaned when he could finally speak. He no longer sounded angry. He was more resigned. Hands still covering his eyes, he shifted to his side and curled up. "I'll get him. I'll make him pay for what he did...!"

Astral gently touched the Number's arm and faced no resistance. "He will get what he deserves, Black Mist, but not right now. Remember that you have to strengthen yourself before going back. Then, you can do what you wish. For now, I suppose you get some rest." He looked up at Vector and motioned that he follow him out of the room.

They went downstairs to go to the garden because it's quiet there, and the both of them really need to calm down after that happened. However, Zeon was talking to someone, and that someone looked so familiar that Astral almost wanted to throw up! Vector had a similar reaction, except it was more like he wanted to projectile vomit all over the place.

"Who might you be?" Zeon asked politely to the man who stood there.

"I am Kai, the cousin of Black Mist. Tell me, is he here?"

"Black Mist? Why, of course."

"I would like to see him, if you would."

Zeon smiled and was about to agree when Astral suddenly shouted, "No!!"

Kai and Zeon both looked in Astral's direction, and the king was surprised to see such hatred burned deep in his son's expression. "Why not, Astral?" he asked.

"I cannot allow to see Black Mist! He is recovering from a mind-shattering revelation concerning him, and I will not allow the source of his state at the moment to waltz in only to cause more pain!"

"Astral..." But the anger and pure concern for the enemy was strong in his eyes, and Zeon knew he would never lie about that. "Very well." He turned to Kai, who seemed to heavily disapprove. "You need to leave now. I'm sorry, but I trust my son more than I trust you."

"You cannot keep me from seeing my cousin." Even though he was probably seething, the noble kept his expression cool. "I merely want to see him. I am genuinely concerned for my dear cousin. After all, he is unstable and prone to rash actions."

"Then I will take care of that," Astral, now as calm as usual, retaliated. "Now, leave."

Kai said nothing, but he sent a cold stare to the Cosmic prince before leaving. Then, Zeon walked up the stairs. "Where is he?"

"My and Astrid's chamber, Father."

Zeon nodded and made his way to the Dark Number while Vector and Astral continued to the garden. The Cosmic prince sat amid the flowerbeds and began to meditate, to cool his head. Vector just walked around the gardens for a while.

Eventually, they both sensed Black Mist's presence and looked to where he was walking toward them. He seemed determined about...something, but that something probably wasn't something good.

"I'm going back," Black Mist said bluntly.

"Why?" Vector asked, concerned. "Didn't you say you didn't want to go back?"

"I did, but now that I know what I know, I need to tell Mother and Father."

Astral looked unsure about it. "Are you sure? They might try to kill you once you get to the border."

"I know they're gonna try, and since I know, I can protect myself from it."

"What about your necromancy?? You still haven't gotten a full grasp, not enough to prevent an outburst."

Black Mist chuckled. "How cute! You're worried about me! But don't worry, I've gotten a firm hold of it while you've been practicing yourself. I'll be fine."

"Are you absolutely certain?"

"Did you see that freak out I had earlier? Did you sense a single trace of death?"

Astral thought back to earlier, and it was true, no death magic was released at all. He shook his head, a bit saddened that Black Mist was leaving so soon. "Very well, then. I cannot keep you from your home."

Then, the Number did something surprising. He walked over, sat beside the prince, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll return one day, cutie, but you have to remember we're supposed to be enemies."

Blushing slightly, Astral nodded. "But I'm sure we can end the war? I had a vision in the form of a dream last night. It showed both kingdoms at peace."

"It may not be us who ends it, but if you saw it, then it'll probably come true." He then stood up. "I'll be leaving now."

Astral stood with him. "I'm coming with you. Or at least send an escort."

"I'm sure it'll be more dangerous for you if you come."

Deflated, the Cosmic prince sighed. "Very well. But be careful."

"I will. I already told the king, so he knows." He took Astral's hand and kissed it tenderly. "Farewell. Let's hope we don't meet on the battlefield."

With that, Black Mist and Vector left the Cosmic Kingdom.

Astral pulled the kissed hand over his chest and sat back down once more. He closed his eyes, sending a white bird out to follow them, to make sure they had a safe journey. As the little bird flew, he watched through its eyes.

Kingdom RivalryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora