I sighed and stood up, walking toward Graham's wardrobe. "Luke, I'm fine. If you would've done anything wrong last night I would've told you. Don't worry about it." The line went silent for a few seconds, making me anxious. Could he tell I was lying? I shook my head and convinced myself that I was being paranoid. Of course he couldn't tell.

"Liar." Okay I spoke too soon but maybe he's just testing me.

"I'm not lying. Listen, I have to go but we'll talk later." Before he could answer I hung up the phone and shoved it in my bra since my shirts didn't have pockets. Don't judge, you've done it before. I decided to go out with Graham in hopes to get myself distracted. After dressing him up I went into my room with him on my hip and placed him on my bed as I quickly changed into some shorts and an t shirt.

  I put on some gladiator sandals and threw my hair up in a messy bun; grabbing my keys, wallet and sunglasses before leaving the room with Graham. I got his bag on the way downstairs and ran into dad on the way out. "Maggie, you aren't supposed to be-"

"I know, dad. But just this once I want to. Please." I grabbed one of the hash browns Sarah placed on the table and made my way out. Once I strapped Graham in I started the car and started to drive. Honest,y I had no idea where I was going, but apparently my hands did because they took full control of the steering wheel and did certain turns as if they were in auto pilot.

  I kept questioning myself where air was driving to, but it apparently became very clear when I ended up in the parking lot to Rose Vineyard. The second I went into the parking lot I drove out, not knowing why I would appear at my workplace. And to think I was trying to get my mind distracted. I looked at Graham through the mirror and decided to get some things for him since I was already near the store.

   Maybe some Chipotle would do me some good too...

  My phone cut off my thoughts and I opened it when I reached a red light. Where'd you go?

  I quickly texted back Sarah, just telling her I'd be back soon before throwing the phone on the passenger seat and continuing to drive. I zoned out eventually, and occasionally people would honk from behind me when I would start to swerve slightly. I groaned in frustration, trying to get a hold of myself. Why couldn't he had just completely disappeared from the face of the Earth? It would've been so much easier.

  I glanced at Graham again and bit my lip nervously before turning my attention back to the road, but it was a little late. As I looked forward a car was driving across the road from the right. I didn't have time to slow down for the stop sign, and I ended up slamming on the breaks. I jerked forward, causing my seat belt to dig into my side. Next thing I know a sharp pain runs through me and I let out a scream. My stitches.

  I looked back at Graham to see if he was alright even though I didn't hit the car. It honked at me and the driver yelled at me as he continued to drive but I ignored it all, focusing on Graham. He was frowning as he stared at his bottle that was once in his hands on the car of the floor. The pain I was feeling right now was unbearable, and when I saw blood seeping through my shirt I flinched. I lifted a bit to see that not only had my stitches opened, but the cut opened up a lot more. I put my hand to my mouth and dropped my shirt, knowing I screwed up. If I had just been paying attention.

  I pulled over to the side of the road and turned off my car, laying my head in the steering wheel. I can't call Sarah, because then she'll tell mom and dad and then they'll never let me touch Graham until my cuts turn into scars. I bit my lip and let out a groan. There is someone else I could call.

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