Chapter 9: Daemonic Swings?

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Ya so I'm just gonna go the thing...
If you hate me you hate me.
The song doesn't have anything to do with the story!
Also  my friend Star__Cipher, who is a reader of this book,helped me out with today's chapter!
Thank you Shay!


∆ (Y/N)'s POV ∆

"Gina is...having her demonic swings,I am going threw it to just I know how to control it,but...Gina's demonic swings are... How do I say it...more..moody?"
Tom explained.

"What is a Demonic swing?"
I ask.

"Demonic swings,are what runs in our demon family,I can't really explain it,but since we are half human and demon (I'm not sure if that's true.I am just guessing)
We get this 'oh so fun' demonic swing,"

"So like a mood swing?"
I asked.

Tom nods, and brings me to the side so Gina doesn't hear.

"I'm worried about her...can you fix it?"
I nod,Tom looked really sad,and I don't like it when my boyfriend is sad.

Tom gives off a light smile and turns to Gina.

"I'm gonna check on Star and Marco, (Y/N) is gonna see if she can help you,okay?"
Gina nods in response to her brother.

Tom leaves but not before he kisses my cheek and whispers:

"Thank you,"

I can tell I'm blushing, but right now I'm worried about Gina!

"So Gina?,I was wondering if you and Marco did the thing Star and I explained earlier today,"
I asked to which she instantly, blushed to,

I sigh,
"Come on Gina follow me,"
Gina got up and followed me to the bathroom.

∆ Time Skip brought to you by:
Chicken Nuggets!∆

∆ Tom's POV ∆

I was sitting at the island telling Marco about the demonic mood swings,but left out the part of Gina's are worse then usual.

Star sat on the counter listening in,or what looked like listening, knowing her she's most likely thinking of Narwhal Blasting something.

As I finished explaining things to Marco,(Y/N)
Walked down  the stairs, I turned to see her waving me twords her.
I got up and followed.

"Is she okay?"
I asked.

"She wants to talk to you,but...don't get mad,okay?"
I was confused but nod,and start up the stairs,only to be stopped by    (Y/N),

"Tom,if you kill Marco then you get no kisses for the whole year,"
I nod,now  more worried then ever,why would I kill Marco?

I continued my walk to Gina's room,I knock on the door and walk in.

I say and she lifts her head from her hands,her cheeks are still stained with tears.

∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

We hear Tom yell in his demonic voice.

"Great,just great,"
I sigh.

We hear a door bust open and feet running down the stairs, along with the sounds if Gina trying to stop him.

I look up to the staircase to see Tom with his eyes white with flames.

Tom yells,Marco now looks like a scared puppy.

Gina scolds.

But Tom ignored her and appeared right in front of Marco,looking ready to kill.
I look back at Gina and she's as sacred as ever.

I look back to Tom to see him ready to smash his face in,great.

I yell but it seems nothing is getting threw to him.

I guess this might work,hopefully...

I get right in between Tom and Marco and kiss Tom.

Tom seemed to be surprised at what I did,but soon kisses back.
I break free needing the thing I need most to survive, other then Tom,oxygen.

"Can someone pleas tell me what is going on?!?"
Marco yells.

Star jumps a little just noe coming back to reality,that's my sister for ya.

"Oh,I think you know what's going on!"
Tom accuses, getting note mad by the second, I sigh digging threw my milk carton purse and pulling out a stuffed pink bunny,who Tom named Marshmallow. I hand it to Tom and he pets the toy acting as if its real.

"No Tom I don't know what is going on,"
Marco says calming down,then looked back at Gina.

"Well funny story actually... I am kinda.prbdjsbhdjd..."
Gina says mumbling the last part.

"You're what?"
Marco and Star question.

Gina sighs.
"I am...gonna... W-well, I-err you are gonna be a....Dad?"
Gina was so nervous she turned her answer into a question.

I looked back to Marco who looked like he just been shot.
I look at Star who is Jumping up and down squealing.

"Y-your kidding?"
Marco asks.

Gina just shakes her head,she looked as if she were about to cry.

Then Marco runs up to her and smothers her in a hug,lifting her up a little while spinning her around.

I smile, aww its so cute,young love starting a family.

I glance at Tom

∆Tom's and (Y/N)'s thoughts together ∆

I wonder what it would be like to have a kid.

Sorry its 10 minutes late and not exactly 1000 words,but I was excited!!
And thanks again Star__Cipher for the help!
If you love Marco (like I do)
Go check out Star__Cipher's
Book,called Different it is AWESOME!!!


Word count


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