Chapter 4:Wittle Girls

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The art is by me,I could have done better,but I need to get this chapter done on time,
The book will be 20 chapters long.
BUT don't worry there will be a sequel!!!


∆(Y/N)'s POV∆
∆Continuing from last chapter ∆

Gina and I couldn't say anything but:

"I like you too..."

It was silent for a minute or two.
I can't take it any more!!!!

I ran up to Tom and rapped my arms around his neck,almost making him fall.

We laughed at my reaction.

"Do you like that Marco likes Gina?"
I ask,because well its his sister,and...I do ship Marina.

Tom looks at his sister who is talking to Marco,and sees Star playing with a laser puppy.
He sighs and answers with:

"Ya...but I'm gonna be on Marco's back if he dose anything stupid!"

I smile.

"You're cute when you smile,"
Tom says,
I could feel my face turning into a volcano.

"S-shut up!"

He laughs,at my reaction.

"(Y/N)!Gina! Come here this is so cute!!"
Star yells,

I run to my sister to see her, along with Gina,bending above something.

I get closer to see them starring at a blue flower,it looked as if it had diamonds in its petal's.

"We should touch it,"
Suggested Star.

Gina asks not looking away from the flower.

" Just to do it,let's touch it on three,
Star counts as we all touch it at the same time.

Next thing I know is that I pass out in the black abyss of nothing...

∆ Tom's POV ∆

I was talking with Marco about my plan,while the girls were doing who knows what.

"Do you think she'll like it?"
I asked.

"Ya she will love it!"

I smile, but it soon turns into a frown,by the cause of a blue light, from where the girls ran off to. Marco must have seen it also and started running for the light,I followed in pursuit.

As we came into sight,we saw all the girls...well at least smaller versions of them.

∆Use the pic above as a reference∆

Marco somewhat yelled,causing the kids to look our way.

All three girls yelled.

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