~40~ Changing my fate before it's too late.

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I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming on...

Clint Eastwood ~ The Gorillaz


After leaving Jinni and her Devil to go about their regularly scheduled Sex O'clock meeting up in the belfry. I end up back downstairs with Stevie to get My So-Called Life back on. But thankfully this time on DVD, so I don't have to miss anything thanks to the constant observations of the viewing audience. Apparently, Stevie cannot actually watch this show without running a constant crtique of his own. Everything from retro fashion critiques to who is hot and who is not.   

Billy eventually joins us for a little late afternoon lunch. Where he says my new hair looks "crazy cool", but not much else. Then after a few disparaging head shakes at all the teen angst going on in MSCL, he returns to where the wild things are where it is safe from all the feels. Back out to commune with nature and make sure it's not "looking at him wrong again".

To be honest, I don't really blame Billy for fleeing the scene. Because there are way too many emotional journeys going in the living room, for one wild child to take on all at once. I know that I am enjoying some emotions thanks to this super saga of teen angst. So Dog only knows what strange feels might bubble up in that wild childe, if exposed to the emotional overload that is MSCL?

Of course, Stevie keeps making unasked for suggestions in between episodes, about what else we can do to "fix" my hair. But I shake him off saying that thought, as I think that I have changed enough for one day. Eventually, he takes the hint and stops making any more pleas to fix me. Leaving me and my hair alone to watch all Angela's lovelife unfold in all its horrible angsty glory.

Predictable when my mother gets home from work to find me covered in blood red hair, she is slightly shocked at my new outlook on life. But just as predictable she gets over that pretty fast and back to her normal happy place. Especially after I tell her that "Stevie made me do it. But I really like it anyways."

Say what you want about the lady, who plays my mother in my own so-called life. But as she has proved time and time again, she definitely knows how to move pretty quickly past the moment and onto more important things. Namely that she finally sold her first house today. So she and Buddy are going out to celebrate with her Evil boss. She just came home for a quick change, before heading out to take over the world, one TGIF Happy Hour at a time. Personally, I am happy for her, and I wish her well in her new Evil Inc lifestyle.

After my mother leaves, Connie shows up with a thousand tacos of death for dinner. He bellows "Food!", so as to signal the start of feeding time at the zoo. So for the first time since the Big Knife Fight all the Crazies, including me and B, sit at the long dining room table and eat as one big happy crazy family.

During dinner, the savages engage in yet another incredibly stupid sports conversation. This time involving the importance of something called "Picks". Which I incorrectly assume meant some sort of strange amateur pornography, seeing that Tommy was leading the dinner argument. But it turns out that "Picks" wasn't about his personal porn at all, but some sort of sports football thing that they felt was important enough to argue about.

Personally, I am just glad that all the crazy savages are back arguing about something normal again. While me, Stevie and Jinni just talked about where I was at in MSCL saga. After dinner, I immediately head to my room to start up the next episode of MSCL on the privacy of my own laptop. So if I am being honest, Jinni was absolutely right about MSCL. Because this probably was the best eighteen hours of my teen TV life to date.

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