Japan's Ending

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"I choose.............Kiku" she said softly

Japan blushed at her words while the others looked dissaponted

he walked over to her side and kissed her hand while blushing furiously

"I hope you're happy with him" Arthur said and smiled softly while the others nodded and left

"I'll give you a ride back home" Kiku smiled at her, she nodded

When they get to Kirana's house, she invited him in and they say down on the dining room

"Um, why do you still like me?" Kirana asked him

"Because I realized my mistake, It was selfish of me. I realized that my feelings were real but my actions don't say the same" he explained

Kirana smiled softly at him and kissed his cheek "I like you too" she said and giggled making him blush furiously


I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE! The endings are gonna be super short cause i don't know what to put and I think i lost my touch in writing storiessss! Im sorry

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