Chapter 18

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Japan, Canada, and Italy went to the hospital where Kirana is

Italy kept bugging Japan and Canada about how she's doing

"Are we there yet?" Italy asked, "No Italy-san" Japan said

"Are we there yet?" Italy asked, "No Italy" Canada said

"Are we there yet?" Italy asked, "No Italy-san" Japan said

"Are we there yet?" Italy asked, "Yes Italy" Canada said "Really?!" Italy asked with sparkles in his eyes "No Italy" Canada said and the sparkles dissapeared

"Are we there yet?" Italy asked, "Yes we are here" Japan and Canada said at the same time

"Yaaayyyy!!!!" Italy cheered and went out of the car, "Is he always like this?" Canada asked Japan

He nodded and the three of them went inside the hospital while a certain spanish and englishman are following them from behind

"What are you doing here?" Arthur whisper-shouted at the spanish man

"Look who's talking! You are also following them!" Antonio whisper-shouted back at him

Japan stopped in his tracks "hm? What's wrong Japan?" Italy asked

"I feel like someone is following us" he said and looked around for someone suspicious while Antonio and Arthur stopped their bickering

"I'm sure It's nothing, come on! Kirana's waiting for us" Canada said

Japan nodded and all of them went inside the hospital


The three of them are in fronf of Kirana's hospital room, then they heard Sobbing from inside

They grew worried and slammed the door opened

They saw Kirana crying while being hugged by Netherlands

Kirana lifted her head up and saw Japan, Canada and Italy at the doorway

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Kirana's eyes widened, her eyes red and puffy from all the crying

Neth released her from the hug and look at the four countries in the room

"We came here to visit" Canada said timidly in the presence of Neth

"What did you do to make her cry?!" Italy asked

"It's fine Italy, just some talk about the past" Kirana said and wiped her tears away

Neth looked at her "I'll be back tomorrow, I'll wait for your answer" he said and went out of the room

Just as he walked out, Spain and England came in "you guys..... what are you doing here?" Kirana asked them

"I came here to visit you love, but Spain tagged along" England said

"Hey! You were the one that was following me!" Spain said

"That's not true!" England retaliated, Kirana giggled at them

"Calm down guys, I'm glad you came to visit" she said and smiled at them

All of them chatted until dawn, then a nurse came over "excuse me miss, You are able to check-out of the hospital tomorrow morning. For now please rest well" she said

Kirana smiled and nodded to the nurse "thank you for the information" she said, the nurse smiled and walked out

"Well we better get going, you have to rest some more" England said

They all nodded and went out of the room "we'll pick you up tomorrow morning" Japan said before he went out
___________Extended Ending___________
(Before Japan, Italy and Canada came in the room)

Kirana sat in her hospital bed while reading a novel, then she heard the door open

She put down her book and saw Neth at the door "Neth........" she mumbled

He walked up beside her "Kirana..... are you feeling okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm a lot better now.....Why did you come here?" She asked

"I came to visit" he simply said, she held her head down

"I see...." she said, the tears threatening to fall down

"I still love you.......won't you be mine again?" Neth asked while cupping her face in his hands

Before she knew it the tears already fell down from her eyes, Neth wiped the tears with his thumb

"Why.....why do you say that?" She asked while sobbing, Neth kissed her forehead and hugged her

"I still love you.....I regret all those things I did in the past, won't you come back to me?" He asked and hugged her tighter

She cried harder and buried her face in his chest, her crying died down but her sobbing is still loud

Then Japan, Italy and Canada slammed the door opened

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