Chapter 19

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Kirana hummed a song while sitting in her hospital bed, her condition's getting better

She smiled to the thought that she can see the other countries again, especially her siblings

Then her thought went to Netherlands, she thought about what he said and she's gonna answer him when she has the chance

She heard the door open and she turned her head to see the nurse coming in with her breakfast

"Miss Indonesia, Breakfast is ready. You can check out this evening" The nurse said

Kirana smiled and nodded as the nurse put her breakfast on the table "Thank you" the nurse smiled back and went out of the room

_____________Time Skip_________________

The world meeting went on as usual, America yelling and screaming, England lecturing him, France judging everyone's sense of fashion and so on

Japan got a text this morning

"Japan, the nurse said I can check out this evening. Can you come pick me up?" -Kirana/Indonesia

He smiled to himself, that means she trusted him and choose him rather than the other countries

He gotta remember to pick her up from the hospital, maybe he should bring Italy with him or maybe Canada

After the meeting ended with nothing solved he went to Canada

"Mr. Canada!" He called out, Canada turned around and smiled

"Yes? Is there anything you need?" He asked, "Do you want to pick up Kirana along with me this evening?" He asked

Canada thought about it for a while then a smile came to his face "I would but I don't want to interrupt" he said

"What do you mean?" Japan asked, Canada leaned over to Japan's ear

"I know you have a crush on Kirana" he whispered, Japan blushed and looked at Canada shocked

"H-how did you know?" He stuttered, Canada smiled "Just a guess, I think you better pick her up by yourself. I don't want to be a third wheel" he said and walked away

Japan stood there with a red face and a shocked face, 'S-should I confess to her?' He thought as he walked

______________Time Skip________________

The evening came fast, Japan is already in front of the hospital and waiting for Kirana to show up

She walked out the hospital and saw Japan but he didn't see her so she decided to prank him a bit

She walked silently behind him and screamed in his ear, he jumped ans squealed like a girl, he looked behind as quick as lightning

Japan saw Kirana laughing hardly while clutching her stomach, "K-kirana? That wasn't funny!" He said

Kirana choked on her own laugh "t-that wasn't funny b-but that was h-hilarious" she said between her laughs and laughed harder

After five minutes she calmed down "are you done?" Japan asked, she nodded and smiled

"Okay, let's go" she said and went inside Japan's car and he drove her home

"Japan, It's late. Why don't you stay here for the night?" She suggested

"B-but I don't want to be a burden" he said

She giggled and smiled, "You're not, I'm the one suggested that you stay here for the night" she said

Japan nodded and went inside her house "Excuse me" he muttered

_________Time Skip Next Day__________

Japan amd Kirana went to the meeting together. After they went inside the room, Japan saw Canada giving him devious smile that made his hair stand up

"So how did it go?" Canada asked, "I stayed at her house yesterday" Japan said

"Well you better get moving cause I think the others are gonna make a move on her" Canada said and gestured to the others

Japan saw Netherlands looking at Kirana that was joking with the ASEAN 10, Spain and England concentrating while sneaking a glance at Kirana

"You're right" Japan said

☆After The Meeting☆

England told Japan, Spain and Netherlands to come to the meeting room that was empty

"Why do you called us here?" Neth said, "I do believe that everyone is trying to make a move on Kirana today, am I correct?" England said.

The others flinched visibly and nodded, "this problem will be over soon if we just ask her who she likes and who she wants to be with" England explained

"It's not that easy! You can't just go over to a girl you like and just say 'hey I like you, let's date'!" Spain said

"Then how do you suppose we do it you twat!?" England asked

☆With Kirana☆

She was about to go home but she forgot her phone in the meeting room

she cursed at herself and ran back towards the meeting room to get it

When she was about to open the door she heard someone yelk from the inside "Well we all can't help from loving Kirana!" She stopped

She blushed a bit and then opened the door to see England, Spain, Japan and Netherlands

"Uh, what are you guys still doing here? The meeting already finished" she said and pretended to not hear the yelling

"We were disscusing about something? What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be going home?" Japan asked

"Yeah but I forgot my phone in here" she said and quickly grabbed her phone.

"So what were you guys disscusing about?" She asked

They all look at each other and nodded

"Kirana, We all love you very much" they said, Kirana blushed

"Who will you choose?"

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