Chapter 15

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Kirana is on her way to England's house when she remembered something important.

Arthur asked her to come early for lunch......does that mean, she's gonna eat Arthur's cooking?

She gulped, "let's hope I survive eating his food" she mumbled.


"Arthur! I'm here" she yelled in the door and knocked several times, the door opened

"Kirana! I'm so glad you're here" Arthur said and smiled

She smiled back, "so why did you suddenly want me over for lunch?" She asked

"America is cooking for us" he said, inside Kirana let out a big sigh of relieve, she wasn't going to eat Arthur's cooking

"Oh! America's here? What's the occasion?" She asked

"Well, I came in the house to find him on my sofa while eating junk food. I told him that I was gonna have you over so he offered to cook lunch" he explained

The both of them sat on the dining room "Kirana! Dude! You're here!"

America came out of the kitchen and glomped the poor girl

"Hello America" she said and smiled at his cheerful antics

"Well, lunch is almost ready dudes. Just sit tight and wait for the food to come" he grinned and went back to the kitchen

"Sorry love, I know you weren't expecting him to be here" Arthur apologized

Kirana laughed slightly "It's okay Arthur, It's nice to have someone as cheerful as him around" she said

"See! she doesn't mind that I'm here!" America yelled from the kitchen

Arthur sighed "that wanker" he mumbled

"Lunch is finished!" America said and brought out a mini cart

He put the food in the middle of the table and opened the lid

"I made roast chicken with salad and fries" he said proudly

"Wow! This looks amazing America!" Kirana exclaimed

"Where did you learn to cook all this?" Arthur asked

"Well I had to serve something for thanksgiving right?" He said and grinned "Enjoy" he said and went back to the kitchen

"Wait! Aren't you going to eat with us?" Kirana asked

America turned around an grinned at her "nope, I already ate a hamburger earlier, have fun you two!" He said and went inside the kitchen

"Well, Shall we eat?" Arthur said and put a piece of roast chicken on her plate

"We shall" she said and giggled


"I had a wonderful evening her Arthur, but I have to go back" she said

"It's okay love, maybe we can do this again sometime, well without America being there" he said and chuckled

She laughed "maybe we can, well I have to go" she said

"Wait!" Arthur called out, she turned around "yes?" She said

Arthur gave her a kiss on the cheek near the lips "goodbye" he said and closed the door

Kirana stood there frozen, she touched the place where he kissed and blushed 50 shades

'OMG! Why did he do that?!' She screamed in her mind, she went home with a blush on her face


Kirana opened the door to her house, "I'm home" she said to herself

As she walked pass the living room, she saw something strange in the living room so she went back to check

She saw someone sitting in her couch "Who's there?!" She asked/yelled at the person

The person turned on the light to the room. She stood there frozen on who she was seeing

"Neth? What......are you doing here?"

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