Chapter 5

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It was a few weeks after Kirana went to Spain's house, and in every world meeting he and England would try to get in a conversation with Kirana.

But in the end they would glare at each other and started a fight.

which was probably normal in a world meeting, and Malaysia kept teasing her about Spain and England.

Kirana walked out of the meeting room and she sighed, she heard a voice behind her

"Kiiiiirrrraaaannnnaaaaa~" she turned around but was tackled down to the ground, she took a good look at the person that tackled her.

"Spain? What are you doing?" Kirana asked, she blushed when Spain nuzzled her cheek, then Romano saw this and growled

he sepparated them both "what do you think you're doing you tomato bastard!!" He yelled.

"She was too cute! I can't help it!" He said and grinned while Romano growled at him. Then Italy came "Big brother spain!! Fratello, I need to talk to Indonesia for a bit!" He said while smiling.

"Why do you need to talk to her Fratello?!" Romano asked, "I want to talk to her" Italy said, Romano huffed and dragged Spain with him.

"Do you need anything Mr. Italy?" Indonesia asked kindly, actually she is quite uncomfortable with him because he is close with Japan and Netherlands.

"Oh! I want to know you better! I always see you alone or with your sibling but you rarely talk with other countries, so I want to be your friend" he said shocking her.

"That's very nice of you Mr. Italy" she said smiling, "you can call me Feli! Do you want to go to my house? We're going to have pizza and pasta for dinner?" He asked.

"Sure! Sounds fun!" She said and smiled.

☆At Italy's house☆

"Feli!!! I'm here!" Kirana shouted in front of Italy's house, she heard footsteps but when the door opened it showed Germany.

"Indonesia? Why are you here?" He asked, "Mr. Germany? Italy wanted me to come here for dinner" she said, "oh, you can come in" he said

"Thank you.....Mr. Germany, why are you in Italy's house?" She asked trying not to offend him, "he also invited me over for dinner, also you can call me Ludwig, calling me that makes me feel old"

"I'm sorry Mr. Ge- Ludwig! I didn't mean to offend you!" She said, "It's alright, Feli's in the kitchen you can wait in the living room" he said and smiled slightly.

"Ludwig is Indonesia he- Indonesia!!! You made it! Welcome to my home!! I'm making pasta right now!" He said, Kirana stood up "let me help you with that" she said.

"Ahh!! Thank you, you can start making the pasta sauce" he said, Kirana nodded and smiled.

For a few minute, the both of the started making the pasta together, they sometimes make a joke and laugh.

Then the bell rang, Italy perked up and smiled widely "Japan's here!!" He said and went to get the door, Kirana instantly froze. 'Japan is here, what should i do, it's been years since i saw him, ahh! I'm panicking inside' she thought.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head and saw Germany "calm down and stop panicking inside" he said, "I-I'm not panicking.....are you a mind reader or something?!!" She stuttered making Germany chuckle

"Japan, i brought else someone over for dinner, i hope you don't mind" Italy's voice was heard and he entered the kitchen.

"Who is it-" he was cut off when he saw Indonesia in the kitchen also looking at him.
"H-hey, J-Japan. H-how have you been?" Kirana stuttered

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