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Hey, still into the study thing? 


  Yes, when are you free?




okay, no ones home atm so we can do this here if you want? 


yess :) Whats the address? 


Stråndbyen 16A 


aiiit! See you in 3 

I put my phone down, it doesn't really feel real to me that the boy i like is actually coming to my place like right now. 

My cat Theodór walks by and meows at me for food. 

"Tarjei is coming here as we speak Theodór, promise to be good?" I like to believe that he understands me. 

my heart starts to race when i hear him knock on the door, what the hell is going on? why am i like this? 

As i open the door he greets me with a hug. oh my god he smells like an angel! is that weird to say? i dont know but i'm going to say it anyway! 

"nice place you've got" he compliments as he takes off his shoes and hat.

"thank you" i smile is i hang his coat on this coat hanging tree thingy my mom thought was necessary.

I really would like to avoid my parents questions so i lead him to my all pink and white bedroom that screams BASIC WHITE GIRL. 

"judging by your room i would really think you liked the color pink" he laughs and sits down on my light pink chair. 

"pfft what!? where'd you get that from" i laugh along and open the window cause god knows i'll be sweating alot! 

In the middle of our studying Tarjei closes is text book loudly and looks at me

"but you didnt finish the chapter?" i ask and halfway close mine 

"There's this party going on at Marlons's place tonight" he leans back and stretches his arms like can you not? i'm trying not to like you and this arm stretch thing really isn't helping me at the moment, thanks

"okay...? and are you going?" i ask cluelessly, hoping he'll invite me along with him. 

"yes, and so are you" he winks. A WINK? A WINK? WHY ARE YOU WINKING AT ME YOU DIRTY SOCK 

"i am?" 

"you have about an hour to get ready before Marlon picks us up" he says casually. 

"i dont know.. who will be there?" i nervously ask, knowing he won't stay by my side the whole time but still wishing he would. 

"i will be there, uu David, the one from your english class and his friend Anna, Marlon and some other people i want you to meet" he packs his books in his backpack. 

"can i leave my bag here? kind of a struggle bringing it with us to the party" he asks, 

i know i should be really happy that he's inviting me, thats what i was hoping really but there is some part of me that really doesnt feel right about this. 

"I'll go" i smile, ignoring the feeling i got. 

i stand up and go towards my closet. 

Tarjei, being the guy he is plops down on my bed and goes on his phone. Clearly he's ready and only waiting for me. 

"what do people wear to parties?" i ask, turning around hoping he won't laugh.. he did 

" you've never been to a party?" he asks in awe, i just shake my head 

"is that weird?" 

"no, not at all" he smiles, standing up and walking closer to me 

"i think it's cute" his face slowly moving closer to mine. he looks at my lips then back at my eyes before pushing his lips softly against mine. 

in this moment my heart was bursting with happiness. It was like the world around us disappeared. 

we slowly part, reaching for air. 

"i'll wait upstairs for you to get dressed, you can do your face at Marlon's" he smiles and closes the door behind him 

OH MY GOD! TARJEI KISSED ME he kissed me! he actually kissed me like what? how? why? OH MY GOD!! 

He didn't tell me what people wear to parties tho.. i'm not really a party person so i dont have any clothes specially worn for parties. 

finally i decide to wear my light denim mom jeans, a white see though lace body with a black mesh shirt. 

i looked in the mirror one last time to make sure my nipples were secure and not poking out. 

i took my hair out of the knot it's usually in on my head, letting it fall naturally just above my waist. 

I pack my makeup in a cute pink (of course) bag, grab my white converse and go upstairs to see Tarjei talking to some guy i've never met.. i assume thats Marlon. 

Tarjei finally notices that i'm ready and just stares at me, making me feel uncomfortable 

"is this something people wear to parties or is this too much? i dont want to stand out?" i ask them, not really getting any answers. 

"you were not kidding when you said she was hot" i hear Marlon whisper to Tarjei making him shake his head. 

I pretent i didn't hear that, makes it easier 

"uh yes! yes thats a really nice outfit" Marlon finally speaks, standing up from the couch 

he walks towards the door, putting his shoes on 

"you look really good Lilly, thousand times better than any girl i've ever met" he whispers in my ear. almost like he doesnt want Marlon to hear what he said. 

I honestly cant wait to tell Anna all this.

The way you look at me // Tarjei Sandvik MoeWhere stories live. Discover now