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Have you ever tried being in a "study group" with a super hot guy? Okay, how about being really shy and scared to new people? No? Okay let me tell you then.
Tarjei and i are meeting at his house in about 10 minutes for our study thing and I'M SO NERVOUS!!
I'm super shy and propably wont ask him anything unless i have to cause i'm so awkward and weird!
I want to be open and get to know him more but realisticly, thats never going to happen!
I know he's super open and seems to be a really cool, laid back type of guy so maybe he will be super quick breaking my shell but what if he wont be, thinks i'm boring and we never talk again? This is a great oppurtunity for me to get to know people here and make new friends but-
"Why are you sitting outside? You know you can just come inside right? Didnt you get my text?" Tarjei laughs and hints me to comw inside. I did get his number the other day when we talked btw!
"I wasnt sure if i was too early or not" i laugh nervously and take off my shoes "dont be so nervous, i wont kill you i promise" he smiles and leads me to his bedroom "how can i be sure you wont?" I joke and take up my books

The next hour or so we spend helping each other out with homework, i helped him with math and he helped me with norweigan.
"Where did you say you were from again?" He asks and closes his book, clearly his attentionspan has run out
"Iceland" i answer and follow his actions
"Cool, how long have you been here?" He asks again, looking me straight in the eyes. Oh my god he is so beautiful.
"Like uuuhh 2 weeks or so" i smile and watch him put his calculator in one of his nightstand drawer.
"how come you're so good at norweigan already? I know the languages are kind of similar and all but" he asks sitting down on his giant bed.
"Danish is one of the basics the school must teach, along with english, icelandic and math" i smile and laugh when his jaw drops
"So all this time i thought you were a super quick learner but really you just got a nice head start" he laughs and takes a sip of his water. 

something tells me i'm going to fall for him. 


i know these parts are really short (about 400 words to be exact) but i dont know if you even like this story so far hahah. If you do, can you please let me know by commenting or something? 

also : can you please share this story with someone who might want to read it or something idk :) 



The way you look at me // Tarjei Sandvik MoeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt