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For the first day of school i really want to make a really good first impression so i decited to wear a light pink turtleneck sweater dress with my white converse.
I throw my long, brown and curly hair into a nice bun and head out the door.
When i get to the school i see alot of teenagers sitting on benches, waiting for the bell to ring, propably talking about their summer vacations and their schedules and the latest gossip. I know cause thats what i would be doing with my friends in Reykjavik if i was going back to school there.
Since i have no friends here i see no reason for why i should stay outside so i head in to find my first class.
I look at my paper that my cousin who lives in Bergen kindly translated for me and see that my first class is english.
After wandering the halls for what seems like forvever i finally found the right classroom.
The class is not supposed to start for another 10 minutes so i look out the big window infront of the door, looking at all the people here just like i was doing when i first arrived here.
I notice this one boy, lauging with his friends.
I find myself getting lost in him, a maroon colored hat covering his dirty blonde hair, his beautiful smile as he brushes away some hair falling in his face. Wow.

Finally lunch is here.
Seeing as i'm really shy i decide to sit at a small table in one of the corners of the room. As i sit down i notice this boy again.
He sits down at a table next to mine with his friends.
I dont understand a thing their saying but his voice sounds like music to my ears.
I make sure he doesn't notice me cause i need more time to decide if i should say something or not.

The day goes by slowly, the boy from before is in the same math class as me.
I learnt that his name is Tarjei. Not sure how to pronounce that tho, i think the I is silent.

After school i needed to go to Ikea so my mom came to pick me up.
"Did you make any new friends today?" She asks full of hope.
"Uuh no" i say slightly embarrassed. You see, my mom and i are not exactly friends. She says that she has no interest in befriending me cause she's my mom. She's not always kind to me.
When we reach Ikea my mind goes blank.
This place must be like 4 times bigger than the one in Iceland! Wow!
As you could imagine it took us forever to find the stuff we needed, and that was alot.
My mom needed a new dining table and chairs, a tv stand and a sofa.
All i needed was a desk, chair and a nightstand.

Happy building to us i guess!

The way you look at me // Tarjei Sandvik MoeWhere stories live. Discover now