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Finally friday has arrived!
This week has been the hardest week i've had in like months!
My room is finally ready!
But school has been tough, i still have no friends there but i did talk to this girl yesterday called Anna, she goes to my english class AND lives on the same street as me!
I've only spoken to her once so i wouldnt call her my friend yet but still! This is progress and i'm so proud of myself.
When i walk into english i search the room for Anna and sit next to her.
"Heyy" she hugs me and introduces me to her friend David.
I kindly smile at him and shake his hand.
When the class is over i make my way to the cafeteria, my next class doesnt start untill 10 which is in about 40 minutes so i decide to get a headstart on the assignment for my norweigan class.
Danish has never really been my thing so ad you could imagine, norweigan isnt eather but i'm doing okay i guess but still am not able to hold a decent conversation up.
A little update on my "friend" Terjei, i still habe not spoken to him and i'm pretty sure he has 0 idea of who i am but if he does i'm propably know as the creepy girl that stares at him. A lot of girls do stare at him so i propably dont stand out lol.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts as i notice a figure sitting on my table.
I look up confused because Anna and this David guy said they were heading to math like 10 minutes ago.
My face drops. Oh my god. What the hell is he doing here?
Tarjei starts talking and it doesnt take long for him to realize that i dont actually understand him
"I'm sorry" he smiles and does this head flip thing to get a hair strand from his face. Can this boy get any more pretty?
"Oh its okay, i need to learn norweigan anyway" i laugh and put my pen down
"I'm Tarjei" he introduces himself and shakes my hand, who shakes hands nowadays?
"Ohh you're in my mathsclass right? Lilly" i pretend i havent been staring at him the whole week.
"Yeah i am" he smiles and starts again "i was wondering if you could maybe help me with my math? I'm so far behind and i've noticed youre pretty good at that. the guys will only laugh at me if i ask" i looks down as if he's embarrased owww thats the cutest thing in the world
"Sure, on one condition" his head shoots up in surprise, whaaat?  "Honestly i'll do anything st this point" he laughs nervously. Why is he nervous?
"You help me learn norweigan"

Here's to my increadible hiding feelings talent!

The way you look at me // Tarjei Sandvik MoeWhere stories live. Discover now