Chapter 3

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Ricky POV

I saw some girl struggling against a guy and i did not like it.I started getting closer to them and i caught a glimpse of the girl's face,Violet.That fucking asshole is trying to rape my girl.Oh no i'm not going to let this happen.
"Hey you leave her alone!" I yell as his atention gets to me and she quickly punches him in the face and get our of his arms.'That's my girl' i think to myself. "Violet,are you okay?" she answers my rushed question by quickly nodding. I quickly turn my head to the guy who attacked her trying to run away,"You motherfucker" i yell as i jump on him,that resulting in him falling on the ground.I attack him with punches to the face fast so he won't be able to attack me back.
After i was done with beating the shit out of that imbecile,i go to Violet,pick her up and carry her to the bus so I could check if she had any bruises or marks from the attack.
As i enter the bus i shout at Chris to come fast in the lounge.

Chris POV
"Chris,get your ass here FAST" i heard Rick yell. I didn't know what was all of that about so i rushed in the lounge only to see my little sister with a busted lip.
"Violet what the fuck happened?!" I scream,scaring her because she would always get jumpy when someone would scream at her.
"Some random guy tried to rape her when i saw her struggling against his force" Ricky answers.
I quickly start looking for any marks he could've left on my sister's body.She had bruises on her torso and lower back from him."I swear to god if i ever see that guy i'll beat the shit out of his ass" i snap.
"Ricky already did that" Violet mumbles so no one could hear.
"What did you say?" I ask her.
"I said that Ricky beat him up,his knuckles are bloody from him hitting that guy's jaw too many times.You should be taking care of his knuckles instead of my tiny bruises" she said.
"Now if you excuse me,i'm going to have a shower and sleep" Violet says heading to the bunk area,leaving me and Ricky alone.
"Did you really beat him up that bad?" I ask looking at his knuckles.
"I guess i just got mad that he started touching her"Ricky answers quickly.
"You were jealous,weren't you?"
"Dude,are we really going over this again?" Ricky asks while getting up from the couch.
"Well,thanks anyway for saving her." I say.
"No problem"Ricky mumbles while heading in the bunk area.

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