XXXVI - Cecilia

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I stepped off the bus, still wondering how I was going to get away with this. The necklace jangled around my neck. I walked up the steps, and into the library, glancing at the police station as I went through the door. The 'library' turned out to be a small, cramped room filled with shelves packed with books. I picked something vaguely interesting off the shelf, and stretched out on one of the couches at the back of the room.

The librarians kicked me out at five o'clock.

I wandered into an empty car park, out of view of any of the streets, and crouched down. You're certain this'll work?

Rosia hummed. Positive.

I picked up a handful of gravel. "How the hell did you end up here, Cecilia?" I rubbed the gravel into my cheek, down my arm, and into my t-shirt. It tore the material.

Rosia hummed again. That's perfect.

I smiled. You're just saying that.

Rosia laughed. The guy behind the desk is the only one who has to buy the story.

I stumbled out of the car park, and up the stairs of the police station

The man at the counter looked up at me, and smiled. "Can I help you, Miss?"

Start crying.

I burst into tears. He walked out from behind the counter, and put his hand on my shoulder. "Shh. It's going to be OK. What happened?"

I looked up at him, eyes all red and puffy. "I don't know where they went."

"Where who went?"

"My parents. They were with me, and then I just woke up in a car park. Mum always told me to go to the police station if we got separated. She said you guys had her phone number."

The receptionist walked back behind his desk, and clicked on something "Do you know what your Mum's name is?"

I picked a little gravel out of my arms. "It's Sandra Delosti.

He typed something into the computer. 'I'm really sorry, but it isn't showing up.

Cry again.

I started sobbing. He came out from behind the desk, and gave me a quick pat on the shoulder.

He reached behind his desk, and pulled out a set of keys. "I'll go have a look through our physical records. It might have been missed when we switched over to digital records. I'll be back soon

He turned, unlocked the door behind him, and walked through it.  I slipped in just before the door swung closed. The cop was walking down the hallway, whistling softly. I crept down the hallway, barely ten metres behind him. He reached the end of the hallway, and turned right.

This door.

I turned to the left, and pushed open the door. I was in a room filled with cabinets.

Rosia sighed. I think he's in the cabinet third from the right, second draw from the bottom.

I pulled the drawer open, and peered inside. There was an iron spike sitting in a resealable bag.

Go to other side. Duck.

I swung behind the cabinets, and crouched down. The door opened, and someone walked in. They grabbed something, then left.

I pulled myself up, and picked up the bag with the iron spike. It barely fit into my backpack.

I snuck out of the room, and back out into reception. The officer was still away. I adjusted the straps on my bag, and walked out into the evening.


I picked up into a jog.


I looked over my shoulder. A man, dressed in civilian clothing was jogging behind me.


Wait, what? I felt a hand wrap around my collar, and yank me to the ground.

The man hauled me to my feet, and licked his lips. "This many Remnants? In one spot? How could I resist?" He had a rusty iron earing jammed through his right ear. "And you brought an old friend of mine." He poked my backpack. "But, I don't know you." He jabbed the necklace. "And I really, really don't know you." He pressed his finger into my chest. I shuddered.

Rosia swore. Be ready.

I glanced up at the stranger. For what?

The whisper stuttered Run.

The man screamed, and slammed his hands over his ears. "Get out. Get out of this head. Mine now, leave, get out."

I sprinted back onto the main street. The main doors for the police station were shut.

The madman laughed. "Run all you like. There are no buses until the morning. And I can always find you. So, run. Run, bitch. Run."

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