XLV - Samuel

17 4 0

I jumped half an hour backwards in the memory.

I was walking down the forest path. The track was barely a metre wide. I tightened my backpack's straps, and kept walking. A twig snapped behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder. There was no one. Another twig snapped behind me. I spun around, and scanned the undergrowth for movement. Nothing.

I kept walking. My tent rattled on the top of my pack. Something scraped a tree behind me. I twisted around.

There was a woman with a shaved head standing behind me. She was wearing a purple rain jacket.

I shuffled my feet. "Hi? Do you need to get past?" She tilted her head. Leaves crunched behind me.

I glanced behind me. There were another three guys, just standing there. They were all wearing blue jackets and were sporting a shaved head. A spot a water hit my forehead. Then another.

I looked back over at the bald lady. She raised her eyebrow.

I dropped my pack, and ran into the forest.

I ran through the undergrowth for nearly twenty minutes before I found a different track. Left or right? I could hear them crashing through the foliage. I went left, and started running again.

Albane was waiting for me. Just standing there, like a spider in the middle of a web. Then everything went blank.

I jumped back to the confrontation in the forest. There was many little similarities between the group of four. Their rain jackets were all the same style, they weren't wearing packs of any kind, and how their heads were all shaved.

And they all were wearing the same necklace. A flat, metal circle with a spike on the bottom. I could even see a glint of metal under Albane's collar just before my memories stopped.

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