19: The Wedding Dress

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2 Months later

The wedding preparations was going well according to what Max had planned. Meanwhile, Selena and Max tried to keep their distance from each other. Things had got so awkward between the both, that making eye contact was becoming difficult.

The hall, catering and guest lists were all done and now it was the wedding dress that was left. Selena was hesitant on the idea of going to various stores to try the dresses, she just preferred the Jenson Stylist to pick out a dress for her and she would have been happy. After all the marriage was temporary.

However, Nate had insisted that Selena needed to go through the experience of picking out a dress for herself. Max was forced to go dress shopping with Selena as Nate believed it was bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding. Nate wanted everything to go according to plan as he was going to marry the love of his life. He always wanted the happily ever after and this was it. 

"Max you don't have to come, I can just call my cousins to help me out", Selena protested hoping she wouldn't have to do that. It had been ages since she had visited her family. Her aunts and uncles were busy in their own lives and when her father passed away they thought Selena was doing well on her own - but she wasn't.

"What cousins? You haven't even heard from them in ages, you think they'd even come?", Max knew well what situation Selena was in.

"You are right. It's been 2 years and I haven't heard a word. You'd think them seeing me on the news and internet would make them contact me, but nope! It's like I don't even exist", She looked out the car window at the quite streets of New York.

"Don't say that. New York isn't laid back. People get sucked into their lives. You haven't even tried to contact them yourself. Maybe they are waiting for you?", Max tried to make Selena see it from a different perspective.

"And this is why you and me never get along", Selena joked and when the car came to a stop, she got out and took a deep breath.

"Shall we?", Max extended his arm and she held on to his nervously as they stepped inside the store.

Max was seated on the black velvet sofa waiting for Selena to try the various dresses. The ladies at the store thought he was the groom and they were giving him special treatment. A blonde girl brought by a glass of champagne and handed it to Max.

"Thanks, Is she ready yet?", Max was loosing his patience.

Slowly Selena stepped out the dressing room wearing a Mermaid lace dress that showed her curves. Max was stunned and he couldn't move his eyes away from her.

"I think I like this", Selena looked at Max nervously and he couldn't bare the thought of seeing her walk down the aisle married to his brother. He shook the thought and reminded himself, that girl was his brother's love, he had no right on her.

"I think I like it as well. Shall we get it packed?", He asked Selena as he got up from his seat ready to make the payment and leave.

"Sir, this is the first dress she has tried. I recommend not rushing the decision at this stage", the lady helping them out suggested.

"I am pretty sure once she has her mind set on something, that is it", Max gave a stern look towards Selena.

'But this time it's not' 

Selena thought to herself and stepped back inside the change room. When she walked out, Max had already left. She found him waiting outside.
"Can I just ask what that was all about?", She joined him.

"Nothing, We are getting late, get in", he pushed Selena inside the car and didn't say a word.

Back at the Condo, Nate was on the phone with his mother discussing about the contents of a heavy document that was sent out to him.
"Listen Nate, Again, I think you are rushing this. I don't even see any of her relatives on this list", Trudy and Richard still hadn't come to terms with the wedding. It was more so Richard who knew he had to hand over the company to his sons now. 

"Mum, just be happy that I am happy. I will get her to invite her family. Now can we please focus on this document dad sent me. Why does it not say about Selena's Shares?"
"That will be amended after the wedding, 6 months after the wedding to be exact", Trudy clarified.
Nate flipped through more pages, "Wait, What?! Mom, it says here after 6 months is when me and Max get our company officially handed over to us! That wasn't there before?"
"Well that you have to ask Max, it's him who had that added, Your father wasn't even ready to do the handover but then your brother presented the old contract in front of him and we had no choice".

Just when Nate was about to protest, Max and Selena entered the room.
"That's fine mom, I'll talk to him about this", He hung up the phone and chucked the file in front of Max.
"What is this? Why does it say we won't get our company until after 6 months of our marriage has passed?", Nate was angry and he didn't appreciate his brother going behind his back making these arrangements.

"If you want people to believe a lie, you have to make it look believable Nate. Dad wasn't even ready to do the handover. He was starting to suspect it was a scam. I had to make adjustments", Max grabbed the file and lied. He wasn't doing it to make his parents believe the wedding wasn't the means to get their company, he was doing it so Nate and Selena build on their relationship and Selena would have no choice but to be around Nate.

Selena slowly walked towards the kitchen without a word. She wished she could have a say but they were too far in their world of lies.

"Just get her to sign it and send it home", Max directed and stormed inside his room.

Selena walked over to Nate, grabbed a pen and signed the pages that were tagged. Once done, she also stormed to her room.

'That was weird'

Nate stood still as he tried to process what had happened.

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