15: The Contract

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Both the brothers went inside the house looking for Selena.

"Wait!" Max quickly grabbed her by the arm and brought her to a stop. He scanned the room around for his parents and when the site was clear he spoke again.

"Listen, if it makes you happy we can arrange a contract but you can't just go running away like this. My mother can't know".

"Is anything wrong Max?", Suddenly Trudy entered the room.

"Hmm nothing mum. Selena was just worried about the wedding date", She needed to give her work advanced notice for leave.

"Oh dear! don't worry about that. Your wedding isn't anytime soon. I am sure Nate has planned it for next year", Trudy smiled looking at Nate.

"Actually mother, we were planning to get married in 3 months time", Nate told her as he scratched the back of his head.

Trudy stood shocked. She wasn't comfortable getting her son married to a girl she didn't know much about. 

"We boys need to have a chat", Trudy was outraged and she left the room.

"Ah! Great! Another problem. Look I have had enough drama for the day. I am heading out. You can bring Selena home", Max stomped out the front door and wasn't seen since.

2 Days Later

Selena was having the worst 2 days of her life. First it was small talk at the youtube concert with Max which turned to ignorance a day after. Max was giving her a hard time. She was starting to realise how much she was dependent on him to guide her and tell her what to do and not. 

'Max! God dam it! Answer the phone'

She paced the room up and down as Nate examined her. He was admiring her body and the way her brown waves bounced up and down as she stomped around the room. He wanted her next to him, under him. He suddenly shook the dirty thoughts away and tried to calm her down.
"He must be busy. He'll call back"

"Busy with what? Victoria?", Just as Selena was about to slam her phone on the bed, it started ringing.

"Hello", she answered.

"Do you mind? One miss call was enough!", Max sounded annoyed.

"Sorry, I needed to ask about the contract. Is it ready yet?"

"I am working on it as we speak, Can I speak to Nate?", Selena pulled the phone away from her and looked at it confused.

'Is he for real? I called to speak to him and he wants nate!'

She handed the phone over to Nate and left the room to go take a walk. She needed to calm her mind.

"Dam She can get feisty", Nate pointed out to Max as Selena walked out.
"Feisty and annoying. Bring her over at 4pm, the lawyer and contract is ready. If it wasn't for the company, I would have called this off"

"But I love her so company or not, I am keeping her", Nate laid out his decision.

"Don't get too attached. Things change once your married"

"Look Max, she isn't Victoria and speaking of her, you haven't told me what happened after she said she didn't know about her father's illegal business"

"Don't worry about that, she was being her usual self", with that, Max said his goodbye and hung up the phone.

There was so much to Victoria than her usual self. She was trying to get back into Max's life. They have texted back and forth and have even met up a couple of times. But to Max this was all revenge and at times it brought back old feelings and memories.

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