1: The Good News

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2 months ago

"Miss Hart, Mr William would like to see you in his office", Selena put the phone down nervously, fearing she was about to be fired.

With a pen in her hand, she knocked on Mason William's door, her senior trend writer. She started her internship with Mason over an year ago and now it was coming towards its end.

​"Good morning Miss Hart", He greeted her warmly but there was still some firmness to his voice. He placed down the newspaper in his hand and got up from his seat. "Please take a seat", he pointed towards the chair and went to sit on the edge of the table. Selena admired his lean body and the navy-blue suit he was wearing. Mason had a knack for always dressing smart. "Good morning Mr William", She swiftly took her seat.

​"Oh please, call me Mason, we have known each other for way too long now", he joked, "I have some good news for you today", He smiled at Selena.

​Mason and Selena over the year had formed a good bond. They were friends in the office environment but had never met outside work. Mason had asked her out for dinner on various occasions but she never showed interest.

​However, hearing the word 'good news' Selena's fears on losing her job was quickly eliminated. She was becoming sick and tired of grinding every day for New York Times only so that she could land a full-time job. If this wasn't paying off her bills, she was wandering around the fashion streets of New York making money out of modelling. Her father had helped her start up in Harvard for her journalism studies but the tuition fees weren't going to pay themselves. She was lucky enough to land an internship with New York Times but all she had done for the past year was run the photocopy machine, proof read Mason's articles and go for coffee breaks with him.

"As we both know you have completed your internship with us and I have been observing you for the past couple of months. This job doesn't seem to stop you from achieving your dreams. I must say, we have given you a tough time here and to my surprise no other intern has stuck by us for this long", Mason apprised her devotion to the job.

​Selena wasn't sure what to say and she slowly slipped out a 'Thank you'.

​"I am promoting you to my Junior Trends writer", Mason turned around to fetch her employment contract and placed it in front of Selena.

"What! Junior Trends writer?", she was confused and happy all at the same time. She lifted up the contract and read the job description.

'Job position as Junior Trend Writer requires you to report on buzzy stories before they go viral across all sections of The New York Times'.

"This sounds fantastic Mason. When do I start?", She asked with enthusiasm.

A smile swept across Mason's face. "As soon as you can, in fact I already have your first assignment ready for you".

 ​"I'd be happy to start straight away. This is what I needed. Thank You Mason. I don't know how I can thank you enough". She got up and shook his hand. She placed the contract down and with the pen in her hand she signed it.

​"Great! So, here's the details on your first assignment, I'll brief you on it and you can read the rest for more information", he handed her a black folder, "Alright then, you are going to Switzerland to interview the Jenson brothers. I need you to contact their management and fix a time and date. Once done, the rest will be arranged from my end. This is one of our big deals so make sure you get as much dirt out from the brothers. We are counting on you".

​The Jenson brothers was a name that rang a bell in Selena's mind but she still couldn't picture out their faces. "Thanks again Mason and I shall get on this ASAP", she smiled at him.

Selena got up from her seat and headed towards the door.

​"Oh and Selena, Keep you're focus intact when you get there", Mason smiled as she left the office.

​Selena playfully gave him a thumbs up and went to her desk to email theJenson brothers management team. She was immediately greeted with a response back from them. After a few back and forth emails, she managed to successfully book herself an interview. Couple days later, she passed all the relevant details to Rosie, Mason's secretary. Rosie then arranged her tickets to Langwies, a small district town in Switzerland.     

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